Main Points 1. Comments on the compositions 2. A general discussion on paragraph writing 3. A topic-discussion of the home writing Main Points 1. Comments.


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Presentation transcript:

Main Points 1. Comments on the compositions 2. A general discussion on paragraph writing 3. A topic-discussion of the home writing Main Points 1. Comments on the compositions 2. A general discussion on paragraph writing 3. A topic-discussion of the home writing

1. Comments on the compositions. a. Handwriting 卷面 c. Organization 结构、思路 b. Content 内容 essay 2.doc essay 2.doc d. Language 语言 ( 段落开头词句.doc) 段落开头词句.doc

2. Paragraph writing 2. Paragraph writing 2.1 段落 2.1 段落 段落是构成文章的一组句子。段落必须表达完整的意 思:或描写事物( describe something ),或争论某 事( argue about something ),或对某事提出疑问 ( question something ),或要求什么( demand something ),或给事物下定义( define something ), 或驳斥某观点( reject something )。 段落是构成文章的一组句子。段落必须表达完整的意 思:或描写事物( describe something ),或争论某 事( argue about something ),或对某事提出疑问 ( question something ),或要求什么( demand something ),或给事物下定义( define something ), 或驳斥某观点( reject something )。

1.2 典型段落的构成 一个典型的段落通常由三部分组成:( 1 )主题 句( the topic sentence );( 2 )说明或支持主题 的推展句( supporting sentences );( 3 )结论句 ( the concluding sentence )(有些段落没有该部 分)。

Model: We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems . Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs . In addition , it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases . It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society .

Model: We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems . Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs . In addition , it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases . It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society .

一个好的段落应该具有统一性。统一性就是一个中心 思想统领整个段落。每个细节都应支持主题句,不应 有无关的细节。为了支持主题,要尽可能多地提供细 节,但又要避免滥用细节。 PETS5 级段落的结构图 ( 推展段 ) 主题句 (topic sentence ) _______Supporting Sentence 1 __________ Supporting Sentence 2 ________________ Supporting Sentence 3 _____________________ Supporting Sentence 4

Pets5 writing You have read an article in a magazine with the following statement in it. Write an article for the same magazine. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. You should write about 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2. "Economic development will inevitably generate industrial waste which in turn will cause pollution to the living environment. Economic prosperity and a clean environment cannot coexist.You have to make a choice between the two." To what extent do you agree with the statement?

Classroom activity: 1. Analyze the directions: to carry on a generalized analysis, and try to hold the main clue which the material gives.para.doc para.doc 2. Summarize and narrow down your topic: 2. Summarize and narrow down your topic: use one sentense to summarize your thesis statement of your essay which you are going to compose.

3. Planning your Paragraphs I. First, think of the topic or theme or main idea, and express it in a complete sentence. II. Second, think of the details or examples or facts that may be used to support the main idea. III. Work out an outline to put these details in good order. 4. Work out an outline

Hand in your outline after class Hand in your outline after class Outline Thesis statement: (a complete statement) Thesis statement: (a complete statement) Part 1 : topic sentence. Part 1 : topic sentence. (detail 1,2,3) (detail 1,2,3) Part 2 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 3 : Conclusion : Conclusion :