Unit 2 Word Power. Tasks in this class: 1.Review words and phrases in reading. 2.Do a listening exercise. 3.Learn word power.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Word Power

Tasks in this class: 1.Review words and phrases in reading. 2.Do a listening exercise. 3.Learn word power.

Fill in each blank with proper form: 1.A good diet is b_________ to health. 2.If you want to enjoy the night with your girl friend, you can use music and lighting to create a romantic a___________. 3.It is quite o_______ that he is pretending to sleep. 4.If you a________ the picture closely, you can see it clearly. 5.We must take m______ to reduce crime in this area. 6.The chemical factory poured lots of p________ waste into the river. 7. I am perfectly w______ to discuss this problem with you. 8. All citizens have r___________for keeping our city clean. Review eneficial tomosphere bvious pproach eatures oisonous illing esponsibility

Listening on Page 104 Listen to Part A and finish the first part of Wang Hao’s notes. Listen to Part B and complete the interview with Dr Fan. Fill in the blanks in Part C according to Part A and B.

Read Part A on Page 26 and answer some questions. 1.What’t the name of this hotel? 2.What do ecotourists refer to? 3.What type of energy does this hotel use? 4.What does the hotel use to wash the sheets? Ecotourists are people who visit an area and do not harm or damage the ecosystem. It uses natural safe energy called solar energy. The hotel uses eco-friendly washing powder to wash sheets. Ecoville.

Part B: Word study clear-cut logging, opencast mining slash and burn farming, ozone layer global warming, acid rain

clear-cut logging

opencast mining

slash and burn farming( 刀耕 火种)

ozone layer

acid rain

global warming

Other compound nouns about environment. acid fog /acid mist 酸雾 domestic sewage 生活污水 ecological crimes 破坏生态罪 endangered species 濒于灭绝的物种 climatic scourge 气候灾害

Part C: Help the management of Ecoville write an advertisement. Fill in the blanks with words in Part A and B.

The prefix “eco-” comes from Greek and means “earth”. Can you list some words that include the prefix “eco”? Part D Word formation ecology, ecological, ecologist ecotourism, ecotourist, eco-friendly…

eco- eco-activity ecosystem ecospecies ecosphere ecocide ecodevelop ment 生态圈 生态灭绝 生态物种

Exercises : Translate the following phrases in English. 1. 环境保护 2. 矿物燃料 3. 全球变暖 4. 减少污染 5. 温室效应 6. 露天采矿 7. 确保,核实 8. 酸雨 9. 臭氧层 10. 新一代 environmental protection fossil fuels global warming reduce pollution opencast mining make sure acid rain ozone layer new generation greenhouse effect

1.Finish Part A1, A2, B1, B2 on P98-99 on workbook. 2. Recite the passage on P30 on your assessment book.