Physics 1 Energy & Temperature. C/WEnergy Transfer2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 list energy forms 5 draw energy transfer diagrams 6 explain what efficiency means Starter.


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Presentation transcript:

Physics 1 Energy & Temperature

C/WEnergy Transfer2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 list energy forms 5 draw energy transfer diagrams 6 explain what efficiency means Starter – 5 minutes Write down as many different forms of energy as you can think of e.g. heat energy

Copy notes – 2 minutes There are nine forms of energy; four stored and five ‘on the move’ … StoredMoving ChemicalKinetic (movement) ElasticHeat GravitationalLight NuclearSound Electrical

Copy notes – 5 minutes Energy is measured in joules (J) and never gets used up – it is “conserved” When something happens, energy is being changed from one form into another –e.g. dropping a ball turns gravitational energy into kinetic energy –e.g. using a toaster turns electrical energy into heat energy

Activity – 15 minutes Cut out 4 devices from the catalogue Decide what energy changes they cause Stick-in the picture and add arrows to show the energy transfers, like this … Electrical Heat Sound Extension: make up numbers of joules to add to the arrows

Copy notes – 2 minutes Some energy transfers are useful and others are wasted –e.g. a light bulb transfers energy usefully as light, but wastes energy as heat Devices that waste less energy are called energy efficient

Activity – 10 minutes On your arrows, highlight the transfers that are useful and wasted using different colours Electrical Heat Sound Extension: work out how efficient the device is using your numbers 

Plenary – Questions – 10 mins 1.What form of energy is stored in a battery? 2.What is the unit of energy? 3.If 100J of energy goes into a kettle, and 90J is converted to heat, how much sound energy comes out? How do you know? 4. What device turns sound energy into electrical energy?

Homework Either (easier) Do three more devices using pictures from the newspaper or magazines at home Or (harder) Make a chart with all forms of energy on it and lines joining them up – on the lines write the name of a device that converts those types of energy into each other

Are You On Target Today? Aims:-4 list energy forms 5 draw energy transfer diagrams 6 explain what efficiency means

C/WEnergy Resources2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 name some energy resources 5 describe how they are useful 6 compare their pro’s and con’s Starter – 5 minutes Which energy resources are these? We ‘avSam is bo! Can ruleIs full of e’s Arsol

Copy notes – 5 minutes Energy resources are used to generate electricity by turning a turbine attached to a generator Resources which will not run out are called renewable Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are non- renewable Burning fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which may cause global warming

Practical – Wind Power – 30 mins Set-up the equipment as shown Draw a labelled diagram Record the voltage generated with the hairdryer at different distances from the turbine Plot a graph of your results Cork Slots for cardboard vanes Generator Voltmeter on 200mV Wires to COM and VΩmA holes Turbine

Plenary – Questions – 10 mins 1.What did you find out from the experiment? (Hint: The more … the more …) 2.How did you make it a fair test? 3.List three fossil fuels 4.What does renewable mean? 5.List three renewable energy resources

Homework Everyone (easier) Find two examples of ‘biomass’ and describe them (include one pro and one con) Extra for superstars (harder) Find out what ‘hydroelectric’ power is, and draw an energy transfer diagram (Hint: it has three steps ending with ‘electrical’) For help on both, look on: Word docs to

Are You On Target Today? Aims:-4 name some energy resources 5 describe how they are useful 6 compare their pro’s and con’s

C/WWhat is Heat?2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 know that heat flows from hot to cold 5 describe what happens when heating 6 explain features of a cooling curve Starter – 5 minutes – True or False? 1. Heat is a form of energy 2. Heat is measured in ºC 3. Heat rises 4. There are particles of heat 5. A fridge door stops the cold getting out

C/WWhat is Heat?2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 know that heat flows from hot to cold 5 describe what happens when heating 6 explain features of a cooling curve Starter – 5 minutes – True or False? 1. Heat is a form of energy 2. Heat is measured in ºC 3. Heat rises 4. There are particles of heat 5. A fridge door stops the cold getting out

Copy notes – 5 minutes Heat is a form of energy Heat energy moves from areas of high temperature (hot) to areas of low temperature (cold) Remember: Heat energy can move to or from the surroundings (the air)

Copy notes – 5 minutes When something absorbs heat energy –its particles move faster –it expands and –its temperature goes up … … until it melts/boils, then –its particles spread apart and –its temperature stays the same while it is melting/boiling.

Watch Animation Play ‘heating’ in ‘KS3 Resources’

Watch Demo Datalog stearic acid curve

Copy and label graph from demo

Plenary – Interactive DnD ‘particles’ in ‘Whiteboard’

Homework Everyone (easier) Describe what happens to an ice cube left out in a warm room – use these words: ‘heat’, ‘energy’, ‘flow’, ‘temperature’, ‘melt’, ‘particles’, ‘surroundings’ Extra for superstars (harder) –Explain why the temperature of water in a pan never goes above 100ºC no matter how much heat you put in (Think: where is heat also getting out?)

Are You On Target Today? Aims:-4 know that heat flows from hot to cold 5 describe what happens when heating 6 explain features of a cooling curve

C/WHow is Heat Transferred2-Jun-16 Aims:-4 know four ways for heat to flow 5 describe how each is different 6 explain each using a particle model Starter – 5 minutes What is this dingbat? HOT!

Copy notes – 2 minutes Heat can be transferred in four ways: –Conduction –Convection –Radiation –Evaporation

Find Out and Explain Heat can be transferred in four ways: –Conductionp106p8, 50p84p4.7 –Convectionp110p8-9, 50-1p84p4.7 –Radiationp112p9-11, 51p84p4.7 –Evaporationp115 Pages in orange in orange book (Heinemann 2) Pages in blue in blue book (Physics by Milner) Pages in purple in purple book (Physics for AQA) Pages in yellow in yellow book (Modular Science)

Demo’s When finished, draw and explain each demo in your own words Wood/metal rod, conv ring, alcohol

Homework Revision for test

Are You On Target Today? Aims:-4 know four ways for heat to flow 5 describe how each is different 6 explain each using a particle model