My Australia Power Point By Georgia Kays. Western Australia Perth is the capital city of WA One of the landmarks of WA is Kings Park. You can only find.


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Presentation transcript:

My Australia Power Point By Georgia Kays

Western Australia Perth is the capital city of WA One of the landmarks of WA is Kings Park. You can only find black swans in Perth. This is the flag of WA, it has a black swan and the Union Jack The floral emblem of WA is green and red kangaroo paw This is the map of WA. And the fauna emblem of WA is numbat.

South Australia The capital city of SA is Adelaide. And this is the map of SA. The fauna emblem of SA is the hairy nose wombat. This is the flag of SA, it has the Union Jack and a eagle. The floral emblem of SA is Sturt’s Desert Pea. The landmark of SA is Murray River.

Northern Territory The capital city of NT is Darwin. This is the map of NT. This is the flag of NT, on it is the Southern Cross and a Sturt’s Desert Rose. The fauna emblem of NT is the Red Kangaroo. The floral emblem of NT is Sturt’s Desert Rose. The landmark of NT is Uluru.

Queensland The capital of QLD is Brisbane. This is the map of QLD. This is the flag of QLD, it has the state badge on it with the crown in the middle of the badge and the other thing on the flag is the Union Jack. The fauna emblem of QLD is Koalas. The floral emblem of QLD is the Cooktown Orchid.

Tasmania The capital city of Tassie is Hobart. And this is the map to prove it.