实用英语写作 Practical English Writing. 填写个人信息 Giving personal information.


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Presentation transcript:

实用英语写作 Practical English Writing

填写个人信息 Giving personal information

表达姓名 姓名:黄亚丽 First Name: ___________ Family Name: ___________ Last Name = Family Name Huang Yali

表达姓名 姓名:张勇 First Name: ___________ Family Name: ___________ Yong Zhang

表达性别 性别: 男 / 女 Sex: Male / Female

出生年月、地点 出生年月: 1980 年 10 月 8 日 出生地点:中国上海 Date of Birth : 8 October 1980 Place of Birth : Shanghai, China

婚姻状况 婚姻状况:已婚 / 未婚 / 离异 Marital Status: Married Single Divorced

联系地址和电话 联系地址:上海市松江路 4 号 电话: Address: No. 4 Songjiang Road Tel. Number:

学 历 ( 1 ) 2000 年高中毕业 (上海市第一中学) graduated in 2000 from high school (Shanghai No. 1 High School)

学 历( 2 ) 2000 年上海大学本科毕业 graduated in 2000 from Shanghai University with a BA degree

学 历( 3 ) 2000 年上海商职院大专毕业 graduated in 2000 from Shanghai Commercial Polytechnic with a college diploma

学 历( 4 ) 2000 年上海交通大学 MBA 班毕业 graduated in 2000 from an MBA course in Shanghai Jiaotong University

工作经历 (1) X 公司任销售代表 working in X Company as sales representative

工作经历 (2) 上海进出口公司任出口 部主任 working as Director of the Export Dept. in Shanghai I/E Company

工作经历 (3) 上海中学任英语教师 teaching English in Shanghai High School

个性特点、特长( 1 ) 勤奋 工作努力 充满自信 性格外向 独立性强 想象丰富 industrious hard working full of confidence outgoing independent imaginative

个性特点、特长( 2 ) 善于沟通 条理性强 性格内向 积极主动 会计算机操作 英语能力强 communicative orderly, systematic introspective conscientious good PC skills proficient in English

6/8/04: 是 6 月 8 日还是 8 月 6 日 ??? 怎样写日期 (1)

怎样写日期 (2) In UK: 6/8/04:sixth of August In USA: 6/8/04: eighth of June

怎样写日期 (3) Standard: 6 August June 2004

怎样写备忘录 (1) 备忘录用于组织内部相互沟通。 A memo is used for internal communication within an organization.

怎样写备忘录 (2) 备忘录的常用格式 : To: From: Subject: Date:

怎样写备忘录 (3) To: All Employees From: Bob Linton, General Manager Subject: Change of Sales Manager Date: 21 May 2004

怎样写备忘录 (4) 常用句型: I am writing to inform you that… and that… I am writing to inform you that Mr John Smith has resigned and that Mr Frank White has been appointed our new sales manager.

怎样写备忘录 (5) 常用句型: Please be advised that… Please be advised that this afternoon’s meeting has been postponed from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

怎样写备忘录 (6) 常用句型: I would like you to… I would like you to book a flight to London departing on the afternoon of Tuesday 26 May.

怎样写商务信函 (1) 商务信函的主要部分: 1. Dear… 2. An opening This says why you are writing. 3. The main message This gives the details

怎样写商务信函 (2) 4. The close This usually talks about the future 5. Yours faithfully/sincerely etc.

怎样写商务信函 (3) Dear Sirs - to a company Dear Sir/Madam - to someone if you do not know his/her name Dear Mr. Smith - to a man Dear Mrs. Smith - to a married woman

怎样写商务信函 (4) Dear Miss Smith- to an unmarried woman Dear Ms. Smith - to a married/unmarried woman Dear John- to a friend

怎样写商务信函 (5) Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam - Yours faithfully

怎样写商务信函 (6) Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. Smith - Yours sincerely

怎样写商务信函 (7) Dear John - Best wishes

Beginning a letter (1) We are writing to enquire about… We are writing in connection with… We are interested in … and would like to know…

Beginning a letter (2) Examples We are writing to enquire about the prices of your air conditioners. We are writing to enquire if your company organizes holidays to Thailand.

Beginning a letter (3) We are interested in your advisement in the newspaper yesterday and would like to obtain some further information.

Beginning a letter (4) Thank you for your letter of (date) asking if / enquiring about / enclosing / concerning … We have received your letter of (date) asking if / enquiring about / enclosing / concerning …

Beginning a letter (5) Examples Thank you for your letter of 23 July, enquiring if we sell digital cameras. We have received your letter dated 18 November, enquiring about employment with our company and enclosing your resume.

Ending a letter (1) I look forward to receiving your reply / order / products / etc. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Ending a letter (2) If you give some information in the letter, you can close: I hope this information will help you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Referring With reference to …, Further to …, With regard to …, I am writing in connection with …

Giving good news I am pleased / delighted / happy to tell / inform / advise you that …

Giving good news We are pleased to inform you that your application for a post as secretary has been successful and that we would like you to start work as soon as possible.

Giving bad news I regret to tell / inform / advise you that … I am sorry to tell / inform / advise you that … We regret that …

Giving bad news We are sorry to inform you that your application for a post as secretary has not been successful.

Requesting action Please could you… We would be grateful if you could… We would appreciate it if you could… If it is urgent, add: as soon as possible without delay immediately

Requesting action We would be grateful if you could send the goods as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if you could send me an application form at your earliest convenience.

Apologizing We must apologize for… We apologize for… We are extremely sorry for / that…

Making a mild complaint - say that, unfortunately, something is wrong, Unfortunately, we have not yet received the textbooks. Unfortunately, you sent us a bill for the wrong goods. - request some action. Please could you send us the books immediately. Please could you send us a correct bill as soon as possible.

Making a strong complaint - say exactly what is wrong, ‘It is now over six months since we placed the order and we are still waiting for the cabinets.’ - make a point connected with this, ‘I should like to point out that we have already paid for these cabinets.’

Making a strong complaint - demand immediate action ‘We really must insist, therefore, that you deliver them immediately.’ - give a warning if you think it is necessary ‘Unless we hear from you, we will take legal action.”