Betty's Brain Project By: Team 2. Fun Facts Tennessee uses 16 billion aluminuim cans a year! A 60 watt bulb can run 1 day by recycling 1 pound of steel.


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Presentation transcript:

Betty's Brain Project By: Team 2

Fun Facts Tennessee uses 16 billion aluminuim cans a year! A 60 watt bulb can run 1 day by recycling 1 pound of steel. So let's say all of are desks are made of steel and if recycle all of team 1 and 2's desks plus Sawyer's then we could run all of our classroom's lights for a whole school week! 350 thousand cans are made every minute. 70% of greenhouse gas pollutants have increased between 1970 and Every Year america uses enough water bottles to wrap around the world a hunderd times.

Using Solar Energy Solar energy is a natural source of power. To get Solar energy we have to burn fossil fuels to make solar panels. The solar panels convert light energy into eletrical energy. So to get those transported to the location we have to burn fossil fuels to power cars. Also we have to use paper or plastic (credit card or cash or check)to pay for these solar panels. Which then we have to burn fossil fuels to power the machines to make the money and get the trees chopped down wic increases deforestation and increases the amount of carbon dioxide. Which icrease global warming and also to apply the solar panels you have to burn fossil fuels to power the machines to apply the panels to the building! But these can save the schools more money and over time save the planet!

How Solar Energy works

Replacing Textbooks with electronic textbooks If we were to use solar energy, we could easily set down on the amount of deforrestation by using less paper. But don't forget, we still have to use paper (check or money) to pay for computers and energy bills. One issue we would have is allowing all students to have access to computers. Over time, this will increase the amount of methane in garbage and lanfills (meaning more garbage). But, there is a positive saide to students' access to computers. We could make our textbooks be electronically accessed, which saves on the amount of paper, which will stop the deforrestation process. The average amount of pages in a textbook range from , which would be a lot of paper. With an online textbook, it may save forest. But,

with the amount of pages in the average textbook, it would take a very long time to make all of the webpages. That would take lots of electricity in general (without the viewers), which would burn fossil fuels. VS.

Carpooling to school Each week all Meigs families use on average of 13,455 gallons of gas per week which equals about 961 tanks of gas. But in America we use 378 million gallons of gas a day! So if we put more people in a car or bus or van then we would not have as much gas but they would slow down the vehicles some and that would require more time which would burn more fossil fuels.

Cost Total The regular price of a solar panel is $10,488 for a pad of 20 squares. installation fees are ususaly $2,000, but it could save you $40,000 in its warranty lifetime. plus gas would be about $50. For the gas for carpooling you will pay the same amount of money as a regular tank of gas. For the laptops you would pay $1,000 to create all of the programs you need to keep the machines in proper order. The price of converting the textbooks into online applications or programs will autochounous to regular gamenerie children.

Did You Know? *Every ton of paper that is recycled enough energy is created to power a house for 5 months. *500,000 trees used to make every sunday's paper. Imagine how many they use to make the daily paper. *The average American uses 7 trees a year. *17 trees can absorb a total of 250 pounds of Carbon Dioxide.

How to Reduce Kilowatt Use *Whenever you are not using a computer or a TV, just turn it off insted of putting it to sleep. *Try to set your screensaver to a dark picture or color. *Use the website to have a search engine.

The End!