Successful places with homes and jobs A NATIONAL AGENCY WORKING LOCALLY Building new affordable homes from 2015 NHF – Development Conference Warwick - 7 July 2014 Fiona MacGregor Director, Programmes
Contents Affordable Housing delivery – 2013/14 and to end of SR period AHP – progress and next steps
HCA Delivery 2013/14 2013/14 - another year of successful affordable housing delivery - all thanks to our partners Over 26,300 affordable homes completed Further 360 affordable homes completed from newer programmes – Guarantees, Empty Homes 2 and Care and support Nearly 30,000 affordable housing starts on site delivered – strong foundation for final year of SR delivery More than 3,000 further starts from newer programmes
Delivery in 2014/15 HCA currently on track to meet SR targets Indicative target for affordable housing completions – 29,000 Forecasts for year are strong Confident will meet contribution to 170,000 aspiration by end of current SR period Already focussing on transition to Newer programmes have allowed a “bridge” between SR periods We help drive local economic growth by supporting communities to realise their aspirations for prosperity, creating successful places with homes and jobs.
Affordable Housing Programme : story to date £2.9bn funding for affordable housing over period announced in Spending Round (June 2013) Alongside 10 year rent settlement HCA Prospectus published 27 January 2014 Bids closed 30 April 2014 (funding outside London - £1.7bn)
Affordable Homes Programme : shape Affordable Rent (and shared ownership) Programme can include: –Hostel accommodation –Travellers’ pitches –Former empty properties brought back into use as affordable housing Supported, elderly and rural housing
Affordable Homes Assessment timetable currently on track HCA area teams completed assessment including LA input and made recommendations National moderation completed Draft programme to HCA investment committee Clearance through DCLG, Ministers etc Announcements before recess We are helping to deliver the Government’s ambitions to build up to 170,000 new affordable homes, improve existing homes, and assist first time buyers
Affordable Homes Programme : moving to delivery Move to accelerate delivery once allocations announced –Get into contract quickly (helpful input from current providers) High volume of starts forecast for current year Move to pay 75% start on site tranche from 1 July to 31 March 2015 High proportions of firm schemes Acceleration to mitigate hiatus between programme periods Move to CME promptly – welcomed by sector –Gaps and emerging priorities
AHP : themes - construction Driving efficient procurement and construction innovation Innovation and OSM –Ministerial interest: Portakabin; Climate Energy Homes (Rainham); Accord –Cross tenure but with AHP a place to demonstrate potential: especially for speed of delivery (at right price) –Different scales –Different products –Consumer acceptance
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