[t] - TV, TV-set, forecast; [t S ] - chat-show, channel, choose, choosing a channel; [r] - serial, programme, documentary, opera, soap opera; [w] - watch,


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Presentation transcript:

[t] - TV, TV-set, forecast; [t S ] - chat-show, channel, choose, choosing a channel; [r] - serial, programme, documentary, opera, soap opera; [w] - watch, watching, weekly, weather, weather forecast.

Составьте словосочетания и выберите из списка названия телевизионных программ. Feature Commercial Transmit Series Entertainment Quizzes Cable Currently Documentary Weather forecast Broadcast Chat shows Combine Soap opera Provide Interview

Kinds of TV programmes: Documentary Weather forecast Soap opera Quizzes Commercial Documentary

Выразите интерес и поделитесь сомнениями: -My favourite channel is “HTB”. -Is it? I didn’t realize that your favourite channel was “HTB”.

Выразите интерес и поделитесь сомнениями: -Our TV set has 12 channels. - Does it? I didn’t realize that your TV had 12 channels.

Выразите интерес и поделитесь сомнениями: 1.My TV set has only one channel. 2.My brother likes to watch soap operas. 3.My favorite channel is BBC 1. 4.I usually watch TV for 3 hours a day. 5.Comedies can be the most popular kinds of films. 6.Talk shows are very popular with teenagers. 7.A detective story usually has a lot of exciting actions. 8.I never miss a TV programme I want to watch.

Mind the clock and keep the rule: Try to come in time to school.