BACKWARDS MAPPING 5/20/13 – Sara Turley. What is Backwards Mapping?  Backward design begins with the end in mind:  What standards do I want my students.


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Presentation transcript:

BACKWARDS MAPPING 5/20/13 – Sara Turley

What is Backwards Mapping?  Backward design begins with the end in mind:  What standards do I want my students to master?  How will my students demonstrate their understanding when the unit is completed?  How will I ensure that students have the skills and understand the concepts required on the summative assessment?

Why is it called Backward Mapping?  In theory and practice, the unit begins at the end.  It is based on the concept that both the students and teacher will have a much firmer and clearer grasp of where the learning is going if the goal or summative assessment is clearly articulated right from the beginning.

Let me get this straight…  You want me to plan assessments BEFORE the lessons???  YES! You need to decide on what is essential for students to know and then decide how you will know when students have reached that goal. Designing your assessment must occur in the beginning to give both you and your students a clear destination for the unit. Once the destination is clear, the teacher is able to create the best roadmap to get there.

Step 1 – Learning Targets  Decide on the themes, standards and essential questions for the unit.  What do your students need to know at the end of the term or year.  Use the Common Core to pull out standards and objectives for the time period.

Step 2 – Assessment Evidence  Design a summative assessment for the end of the unit.  How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the standards?  What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency?

Step 3 – Learning Plan  Review your learning targets and choose outcomes, strategies and best practices to teach them.  What knowledge will students need to perform effectively?  What activities will be needed to allow students to construct their own learning?  What will need to be taught?

Begin with the end! “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”  Stephen R Covey,  “The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People”