Gustar and Other Gustar-like Verbs


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Presentation transcript:

Gustar and Other Gustar-like Verbs Spanish 3 Honors c.7

Six Keys Things that are different with Gustar-like verbs 1.It only has two conjugations: 2.It is conjugated based on what comes after it. *(exception parecer) 3. It always uses an Indirect Object Pronoun. 4. It may also use an I.O. clarifier. (a+name or prepositional pronoun) 5. The clarifier comes in front of the sentence. 6. If it is followed by a noun it must include the def. art.(but sep. by inf.= no def. art) *(exception faltar)

Other gustar-like verbs convenir to be convenient or suitable encantar to love or delight faltar to be lacking or need importar to matter or be important interesar to interest molestar to bother doler to hurt quedar (bien) to fit (well)

Other gustar-like verbs caer mal to make a bad impression cansar to tire fascinar to be fascinated by hacer gracia to amuse repugnar to disgust *preocupar to worry *parecer to seem gustar to like (be pleasing to) encantar to love (be enchanted by)

I.O Clarifiers: “Le encanta nadar.” “Les encanta la playa.” He loves to swim. She loves to swim. You love to swim. “Le encanta nadar.” They love the beach. You love the beach. “Les encanta la playa.”

(A + name or A + prep. pronoun) I.O. Clarifiers (A + name or A + prep. pronoun) Nos = a nosotros a Paco y a mí -------------------------- Les = a ellos a ellas a Uds. (a Roberto y a Luis) (a Lola y a Carmen) (a mis amigos) Me = a mí Te = a ti Le = a él a ella a Ud. (a Roberto) (a Lola) (a tu hermano)

Gustar-like verbs and questions Questions using Gustar-like verbs DO NOT change in word order from a statement. ie…Te gusta el libro. ¿Te gusta el libro?

Practice, practice, practice My family doesn’t like to eat meat. Spanish interests me. The jacket fits you very well. I need sugar for the cake. Their knees hurt them. The problems don’t bother me. Traditions are important to him.

Practice, practice, practice A mi familia no le gusta comer carne. Me interesa el español. Te queda muy bien la chaqueta. Me falta azúcar para el pastel. Les duelen las rodillas. No me molestan los problemas. A él le importan las tradiciones.