ASAS-TN Workshop Glasgow 11 September 2006 Alex Wandels CASCADE Programme Manager EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation CASCADE.


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Presentation transcript:

ASAS-TN Workshop Glasgow 11 September 2006 Alex Wandels CASCADE Programme Manager EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation CASCADE and ASAS

Content What do we need to conduct ASAS operations? CASCADE

What do we need to conduct ASAS operations? 1.ADS-B-out equipped aircraft 2.ADS-B-in equipped aircraft 3.Confidence in ADS-B 4.Proof of operational and technical feasibility 5.A problem for which ASAS is the solution 6.A Business Case

1. ADS-B-out equipped aircraft AsA ADS-B programme CASCADE’s Pioneer Airline Project FAA ADS-B Programme

2. ADS-B-in equipped aircraft FAA: Alaska and East-Coast (with UAT) CASCADE’s CRISTAL trials aircraft (with 1090 ES) Airbus’ Simulators

3. Confidence in ADS-B EUROCAE/RTCA standardisation work Trials Certified aircraft (planned for 2007) ADS-B-out operations An ADS-B Policy

4. Proof of feasibility Operational and technical Certain: CRISTAL ITP CRISTAL ATSAW Others? Procedures

5. Problem to solve? ITP is a clear case What are the other viable ASAS applications? Where can they be implemented? Who wants to do that?

6. Business Case CASCADE, AsA and FAA business cases for ADS-B-out. Is there a business case for ASAS as a concept?

What do we not need to conduct ASAS operations?

Content What do we need to conduct ASAS operations? CASCADE

What is CASCADE?

What is Stream 1? Ground Surveillance Applications (ADS-B-out) 2008 ADS-B Receiver CPDLC and D-FIS VDL2 In a radar environment In a non-radar environment On the airport surface Automatic-CPDLC Data link taxi Data link operational terminal information

What is Stream 2? Airborne Surveillance Applications (ADS-B-in & TIS-B) 2011 CPDLC and other Services Situational awareness on the surface Airborne situational awareness Visual separation on approach Sequencing & Merging – In Trail Procedure 4-D route uplink VDL2

Economic Viability When? Technical Feasibility Operational Need Simulate & Trial Simulate & Trial Standardise Certify Commit Implement Stream Stream 2

GE AM AZ EE UA TR FR LV LT NL GB IE BY RO AL MK GR CH IT AT HU ES PT DK NO SE PL MA DZTN SY IQ IR KZ LU SK “ADS-B out” validation NRA Innsbruck NRA Shannon FIR RAD London TMA NRA N. Sea RAD Schiphol RAD, APT, ADD Arlanda NRA Kiruna Pre-ops trials 2006 Operations from 2007 NRA, RAD, APT 7 ANSPs, 12 sites Pre-ops trials Operational approval in countries decided to move to operational approval in 12 sites 1 country decided to implement 4 countries will decide in 2006

GE AM AZ EE MD TR FR LV LT NL GB IE BY RO AL MK GR CH IT AT HU ES PT DK NO SE PL MA DZTN SY IQ IR KZ LU SK BE “ADS-B in” validation Focus on ATSAW ITP trial Reality check on S&M ATSAW Trials in Ostgota TIS-B as enabler of ATSAW in Frankfurt Sequencing and Merging in Paris and Frankfurt ATSAW simulations ATSAW ITP trials 3 projects ongoing 2 projects to start

Pioneer Airline Project - Objectives Support airworthiness approval Support airworthiness approval Support operational approval Support operational approval Implement 2006 Initial Evaluation Initial Evaluation 2008 Infrastructure deployment Infrastructure deployment Pre-operational ValidationInitial Validation

Systems Evolution Mode S XPDR Mode S XPDR 1090 MHz Mode S ELS Mode S EHS En-route & TMA & Airport ADS-B-NRA ADS-B-RAD ADS-B-APT En-route & TMA & Airport 1090 MHz ES - out Mode S XPDR Mode S XPDR GPS ATSA-AIRB ATSA-SURF ATSA-VSA ASPA S&M 1090 Rx Traffic Computer Traffic Computer CDTI Mode S XPDR Mode S XPDR GPS 1090 MHz ES – in & out

In A foundation is required Are you contributing? ASAS has potential