教学设计 Instructional Design (ID). 教学设计:回答 3 问题 What is instructional design? Why design? How to design a good lesson?


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Presentation transcript:

教学设计 Instructional Design (ID)

教学设计:回答 3 问题 What is instructional design? Why design? How to design a good lesson?

培训目标 At the end of this session, the participants WILL BE ABLE TO … tell one another what instructional design is in your own words. say the major elements of a design use ABCD model to improve on a lesson plan. design activities appropriate to the objectives.

ID: What 规划、开发、评价与 管理教学,确保学习 效果的过程。 (Kemp, J.E. 1998)

ID: 3 major focus Begins with lesson objectives Activities lead to the achieving of objectives Ends with a check on the objectives

ID: 3 components Objective design Activity design Assessment design

Why ID Read and fill in the blanks

ID: Why Instruction is successful, or effective, to the degree that it accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish.

Teaching objectives An objective is a statement not of what the instructor plans to put into the lesson but of what the learner ought to get out of the lesson. Heinich, R. et al. 1993

Travel metaphor : where/how/ arrived For the teacher, where to lead the learners For learners, to know where to go The teacher and learners travel together, to the same destination. Teaching and learning are GOAL- ORIENTED activities.

3 characters of an objective Identify the performance The conditions The criterion of acceptable performance More often we use a 4 factor guide. ( 四 因素法 )

How: a procedure Decide on teaching objectives Write them down in the format of ABCD (四因素法) Inform learners of them Design a quick way to check if they are reached

ABCD 四因素法 A udience 主体 B ehavior 行为 C ondition 条件 D egree 程度

i.e. Who (A) Will do what (B) Under what conditions (C) To what degree (D)

ABCD: considerations A = students’ needs, level B = students’ action (verbs) C = activities D = realistic goals

Check: ID? In your own words, tell each other.

Check: 3 components _______ design

Check: ABCD stand for A B C D

Applications of ABCD model Samples

What’s wrong with this Teach a few useful new words and expressions appeared in this unit.

Point of view Remember: An objective is a statement not of what the instructor plans to put into the lesson but of what the learner ought to get out of the lesson. (Heinich, R. et al. 1993) Change from what the TEACHER does to what the STUDENTS can do.

Revision Teach a few useful new words and expressions appeared in this unit. The students will be able to use the new words and expressions appeared in this unit to make new sentences.

What’s wrong with this Students will read the passage to get the detailed information and the main idea by skimming and scanning.

Process vs product An objective is concerned with end product. Read the passage is a process. Chang the process to product.

Revision Students will read the passage to get the detailed information and the main idea by skimming and scanning. The students will get the detailed information and the main idea of the passage by skimming and scanning.

What’s wrong with this master useful new words and expressions appeared in this period.

Mental vs action verbs Mental verbs cannot be checked easily; the action cannot be directly observed. Change mental verbs to behavioral verbs.

Revision master useful new words and expressions appeared in this period. The students will be able to classify the newly learned words and expression into categories.

More mental verbs Memorize Want Think Like Believe Smell Need Understand

More action verbs RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate TellChangePracticeDistinguishJudgeDesign ListExplainEmployFocusSelectConstruct DescribeRestateDemonstrateSurveyDecideInvent NameFindShowCompareDebateImagine RepeatDescribeReportContrastJustifyCompose RecallDefineDrawClassifyRecommendPredict IdentifyRelatePaintInvestigateVerifyOrganize StateDiagramCollectOutlineMeasurePlan ReportOutlineClassifyStructureTestSet up ChooseSummarizeDramatizeCategorizeWhat’s your opinion Solve ObserveParaphrasePut in orderSolveCoordinateProduce LocateCompareIllustrateDetermineMonitorimprove

Samples analysis Real samples PEP textbooks

Sample 1 Students will get the main idea and the detailed information by listening. Comment: need behavioral verbs to show the results of listening, a mental verbs.

Revision Students will get the main idea and the detailed information by listening. The students (A) will be able to get both (D) the main idea and the detailed information by ticking (B) the right answers through careful listening (C).

Sample 2 Master the language points and useful expressions Comment: need behavioral verbs to show the result of mastery, a mental verb.

Revision Master the language points and useful expressions The students (A) will be able to match (B) correctly (D) the meanings through the newly learned (C) useful expressions with their English meanings.

Sample 3 Students will speak out the topic after discussing. Comment: speak out is ambiguous. It can mean to speak loudly. Maybe, report to the class, summary your group’s points, etc.

Revision Students will speak out the topic after discussing. The students (A) will be able to report (B) the points of group discussion (C) to the class with clear logic and organization.

Sample 4 Explanation of words & expressions & practice using them Comment: who explains? Need to change it to the students’ behavior. Practice is a process, we need the results of practice, e.g. use them fluently in sentences, fill in the blanks correctly.

Revision Explanation of words & expressions & practice using them The students (A) will be able to substitute (B) the words and expression with their synonyms by using (C) them appropriately (D) in sentences.

A Summary What we teach  what they can do Mental verbs  behavioral verbs Process  product

Alignment of goals & activities Activities Learning Goals Understand Apply Create Lectures X Group work XX Discussion XXX Video clips X

教学设计基本要素 要素分析因素 学习需要分析 学习需要分析、确定问题、确定目标 学习内容分析 内容说明、教学分析、任务分析 教学目标阐明 详细目标、编写行为目标 学习者分析 学习者特征、学习者初始能力评定 教学策略确定 教学活动、说明方法、选择媒体 教学成果评价 形成性 / 总结性评价、行为评价、反馈分析

Practice time Knowing how to do it right does mean you can actually do it right. It needs practice, i.e. hands-on experience. Now, we have some samples of lesson plans. See if they are all right or need some revision work.