August 27-31, 2012
Lab Time: Have a seat at your tables. Greens, get out the paper. Reds, get the necessary materials.
1. Opener: 1. Lab Set-up 2. Volume Lab Finish up! 3. Review of test material 4. Homework: 1. STUDY! 2. Lab due on Thursday
1. Lab procedures 2. Test review
Study for your test Get all missing work in!
1. Opener: 1. Questions? 2. Test! 1. When you finish read AR 3. Homework: 1. Lab due on Thursday
Finish up your labs!!! ▪ Due Thursday! ▪ NO MISSING ASSIGNMENTS!
How did the test go? Fill out the reflection sheet… Please get: a ruler/straight edge Reflection sheet
1. Opener: 1. Reflection Sheet 2. Test Grading 3. Notes: Graphing 1. Special Style 4. Graphing WS 1. Survey time! 5. Homework: 1. NONE!
No MISSING Assignments!
Homeroom Kids: Please write out your schedule on the index card provided. Name: ▪ 6:30 – 6:45: Homeroom/1 st period ▪ 6:50 – 7:00: 2 nd Period ▪ 7:05 – 7:15: 3 rd Period ▪ 7:20 – 7:30: 4 th Period ▪ 7:35 – 7:45: 5 th Period ▪ 7:50 – 8:00: 6 th Period
Interpret the following graph: See handout This goes on a left page!!! DON’T WRITE ON SHEET!
1. Summary for graphing `notes 2. Completed and stapled graphing practice 3. Study guide stapled into notebook 4. Updated table of contents?
1. Opener: 1. Notebook check #3 for week 4 2. Notes: 1. Graphing Review 3. Activity: 1. Height vs. Foot Lab 4. Homework: 1. Finish up lab! Due on Friday
Finish lab!
Interpret the following graph: See handout This goes on a left page!!! DON’T WRITE ON SHEET!
1. Opener: 1. Graph Interpretation 2. Notes: Gravity vs. Mass 3. Lab Activity: Height vs. Foot size 1. We will utilize graphing to do this lab! 4. Homework: 1. Finish up your graphs over the weekend. This lab is DUE ON TUESDAY!