Fat Reserves energy for later Keeps hair, skin healthy Protects organs 2 types: –Saturated fatty acids –(from meat, dairy, etc.) –Unsaturated fatty.


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Presentation transcript:

Fat Reserves energy for later Keeps hair, skin healthy Protects organs 2 types: –Saturated fatty acids –(from meat, dairy, etc.) –Unsaturated fatty acids –(from plants, fish, etc.)

Water 70% of body Regulate body temperature Nutrients travel to organs Moves oxygen to cells Adults need: 8 glasses per day Kids need: 6 glasses per day

Carbohydrates 2 types: –Simple quick energy source, shorter satisfied –(in candy, milk, fruit, etc) –Complex longer energy source, longer satisfied –(in breads, pasta, etc)

Carbohydrates 3-5 servings per day 50-60% of daily calories for kids Releases insulin Breaks down into glucose (sugar) Makes blood sugar rise

Protein Sources: meat, eggs, nuts, etc. Makes most of muscles, organs, immune system Helps repair body tissue

Protein Need grams per day Increases strength Breaks down into amino acids

Fibre Sources- plants (wheat, barley etc.) bread, fruit, vegetables, etc. Good for bowels Can’t be digested

Vitamins 2 types –Fat soluble(stored in fat) –Water soluble(not stored) Fat-soluble: A, D, E, and K Water-soluble: C, B-complex group Fat soluble can stay in your fat tissues unto 6 months

Vitamin A Healthy skin growth & eyesight Bone growth Generally in all vegetables/fruits Boost your –metabolism –energy Keeps skin and bones healthy Promotes cell growth Vitamin B

Vitamin C Is a water-soluble Helps: –blood vessels –tendons –ligaments –bones In citrus fruits

Vitamin D Necessary for bone growth Helps red blood cells & lungs Rich in milk, egg yolks, fish Helps make read blood cells Obtain from: –whole grains –leafy vegetables –nuts + seeds Vitamin E

Vitamin K Blood cells stick together –Example: A cut and it stops bleeding Acts like glue In: Leafy green vegetables –dairy products, like milk and yogurt –soybean oil

Calcium Teeth and bone growth In : –milk –yogurt –Tofu –salmon –almonds Helps creating red blood cells Helps move oxygen through the body In: –nuts –eggs –meat Iron

Sodium Controls fluid in the body Restricts acid balance in the body High in: –nuts –fish Found in –red blood cells –blood plasma Pinky peach colour Copper
