Words for Production Words for Production Words for Recognition Words for Recognition Idioms and Phrases Idioms and Phrases.


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production Words for Production Words for Recognition Words for Recognition Idioms and Phrases Idioms and Phrases

1. forever [f2`Ev2] adv. 永遠 Many people remember their forever first love forever.

2. rarely [`rErlI] adv. 很少,不常 rarely My family rarely eat in restaurants because eating out is too expensive. Derivative

rare rare [rEr] adj. 稀少的 rare In Taiwan, it is rare to have cold weather like today in May.

3. hall [hOl] n. [C] 走廊;大廳 hall Mandy was late for school and ran down the hall to her classroom. hall Please meet me in the hall of the hotel.

4. invite [In`vaIt] vt. 邀請 invited Jay was glad that he was invited to Kelly’s birthday party. Derivative

invitation invitation  [&Inv1`teS1n]  n. [U] 邀請; [C] 邀請函,請東 Thank you very much for your invitation kind invitation. invitations Adam’s party invitations were sent out last week.

5. pause [pOz] n. [C] 停頓,暫停 pause The man has talked for an hour without a pause. Derivative

pause pause [pOz] vi. 停頓,暫停 paused They paused to drink some water and then continued their discussion.

6. reply [rI`plaI] vt.; vi. 回答,答覆 (reply─replied─replied) replied Lily replied that she was happy to receive the card and flowers from you. reply Mother didn’t reply to my questions. Derivative

reply reply [rI`plaI] n. [C] 回答,答覆 Steve wrote several letters to reply Joan but never received a reply.

7. anymore  [`EnImOr]  adv. ( 不 ) 再,再也 ( 不 ) After that car accident, John anymore doesn’t drive anymore.

8. comfort [`k^mf2t] vt. 安慰,鼓勵 comfort Mother tried to comfort my little brother after he fell off his bicycle. Derivative

comfort comfort  [`k^mf2t]  n. [U] 安慰; [C] 給予安慰的人或物 comfort Frank tried to say some words of comfort to Allen after his team lost the baseball game. comforts Cats are great comforts to lonely old people.

9. alone [1`lon] adj. 獨自的,單獨的 Mary likes to listen to music alone when she is alone in her room. Derivative

alone alone [1`lon] adv. 獨自地,單獨地 alone Tom can do this work alone; he doesn’t need our help.

10. appointment  [1`pOIntm1nt]  n. [C] 預約,約定 appointment Have you made an appointment with the doctor? Derivative

appoint appoint [1`pOInt] vt. 指定 appointed He appointed John as the captain of the basketball team.

11. pretend [prI`tEnd] vt. 假裝 pretended Sandy pretended to be sick, so she wouldn’t have to go to school.

12. bother [`bAD2] vt. 使苦惱,使困擾 bothering What is bothering you today?

13. wonder  [`w^nd2]  vt. 對 … 感到疑惑;驚訝於 … wonder I wonder why my friend gave me a present today. wonder I wonder that she could reach the top of the mountain. Derivative

wonder wonder [`w^nd2] n. [U] 驚訝; [C] 不可思議的人或事物 wonder He shook his head in wonder at his good luck. wonders There are always wonders in our lives.

14. blame [blem] vt. 責備,指責 blame Don’t blame him for making the mistake. He didn’t mean to do it.

15. realize [`ri1&laIz] vt. 明白,了解 realize I finally realize that my parents love me the most in the world.

16. commit [k1`mIt] vt. 犯 ( 罪等 ) Committing Committing suicide is never a good way to solve a problem in life.

17. suicide [`su1&saId] n. [U] 自殺 suicide Jessica committed suicide last night; we are all sad about it.

18. whenever [hwEn`Ev2] conj. 每當 Whenever Whenever I see Jack, he always has a smile on his face. 回到目錄

1. sandal 1. sandal [`s8ndL] n. [C] 涼鞋

2. pill 2. pill [pIl] n. [C] 藥丸 回到目錄

1. except for 除 … 之外 except for There is nothing in the room except for a table.

2. with all one’s heart 全心全意地 with all my heart Don’t worry. I’ll help you with all my heart.

3. take...as... 把 … 當作 … takeas I will be glad to take you as a student in my drawing class.

4. sign off 停止在網路聊天室聊天 signed off After 11 p.m., I signed off from the Internet and went to bed.

5. put down 放下 put down Mother put down the phone and told me to whom she was talking. End