1 FinNetSME – Network for Regional SME Finance Open Days - European Week of Regions and Cities Workshop 11 C 06 Building a European High-Tech Network:


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Presentation transcript:

1 FinNetSME – Network for Regional SME Finance Open Days - European Week of Regions and Cities Workshop 11 C 06 Building a European High-Tech Network: Making Ideas Work, Brussels, 11 October 2005 Cornelia Gerster, European Association of Public Banks European Association of Public Banks - European Association of Public Banks and Funding Agencies -

2 Why FinNetSME? SMEs the backbone of European economy Lisbon objectives to be fulfilled: more productivity, innovation capacity and sustainable growth Decreasing public expenditure need for intelligent and innovative financing solutions

3 Who we are 20 regional public banks, development agencies, financing and business support agencies 9 EU countries: FI, LT, LV, I, E, GR, D, B, F +Associated partners and partner networks

4 What we aim at To encourage the exchange of know-how between regional SME-financiers To develop innovative financial instruments and financing strategies To improve SMEs access to finance and close the equity gap To build competitive regions through the support of entrepreneurship and innovation and regional development

5 How we work – major meetings Nov 04:Conference Challenges of Regional SME Finance (Brussels) Feb 05:Seminar Regional Financiers in the EU (Vilnius) Sep 05:Seminar Regional Supply Chain (Thermi) Feb 06:Conference: mid-term review (Rome) Jun 06:Seminar Challenges for Regional Finance (Turin & Aosta) Oct 06:Seminar Financial Engineering (Kiel) May 07:Conference: presentation of results (Brussels)

6 How we work – issues of interest Current issues of main interest, models and working groups: Early-stage finance Micro-financing Equity financing Cooperation of financiers in the regions: regional supply chain Open list!

7 How we work - proceedings 1.Stock-taking: accumulation of information 2.Analysis of the existing support instruments 3.Development of models/templates as guidance for the development of innovative instruments +Input on demand for support measures from other thematic networks

8 How we work – tools Database: basis for information accumulation and analysis Website (finnetsme.org): pivotal information portal (access to database, forum groups etc.) Newsletters: ongoing communication of project progress Best practice guide: summary of knowledge gathered Centre of competence on regional SME finance

9 How we work – database Detailed and structured description of financial and non-financial instruments (financing sources, beneficiaries, eligible expenses etc.) Crosslinks with information on the corresponding region, partner and financial/non-financial instruments Comparability Accessibility for all partners and, once finalized, for the general public

10 What we want to achieve Best possible support instruments To make information (best practice) on regional SME finance practices easily available To facilitate the development of innovative financial products and strategies Sustainable exchange with thematic networks to obtain the recipients demands and feedback on our instruments

11 Outlook FinNetSME builds a platform of exchange and ameliorates the informational situation on regional SME finance Exchange of knowledge and good practice leads to innovative financing solutions and support measures adapting to changing demands Innovative (non-)financial support measures serve to better finance innovation in regions and to contribute to regional competitiveness

12 Thank you for your attention! Further information: