GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI)


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Presentation transcript:

GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) presented by Alessandro Annoni, JRC, ADC co-chair

GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) The Cape Town Declaration: “We commit to explore ways and means for the sustained operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure. An Initial Operating Capability (IOC) was declared in June 2008 for the GCI. GCI provides core capabilities that enable the GEO Members and Participating Organizations resources (systems, data and products) to be discovered, understood, and accessed by users and decision-support applications The GCI includes several core information registries, a common search facility known as “Clearinghouse,” and GEO Web Portals that provide a user interface to search and access all GEOSS resources.

N i n e S o c i e t a l B e n e f i t A r e a s Water Weather Energy Disasters Health Climate Agriculture Biodiversity Ecosystems Registries: Services Standards Best Practices Requirements GEOSS Common Infrastructure Web Portal Clearing- house Applications Services Models Metadata Products Data E a r t h O b s e r v a t i o n s

Data and Service Catalogues GCI: progress status Main GEO Web Site Standards and Interoperability Forum GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEO Web Portal ✓ Registries ✓ GEOSS Component and Service Registry GEOSS Clearinghouse ✓ ✓ GEOSS Standards and Interoperability Registry In 2008, ADC continuously focused its efforts to Design, Upgrade and Deploy the GEOSS Architecture During 2008 several components became operational During 2008 the Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF) was set-up. This forum works with contributors in clarifying issues related to interoperability arrangements and addressing gaps in existing standards. For more active coordination globally, regional SIFs for America (north and south), Europe, Asia and Africa are being formed and have begun participating in the SIF process In addition ADC has produced some relevant documents and guidelines to facilitate understanding of GEOSS architecture, registration of components and use of GEOSS services. ✓ Components operational now Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registry Registered Community Resources Data and Service Catalogues Services Websites/ Portals (Components)

Architecture Implementation Pilot elaboration of GEOSS architecture AIP Phase 2 Themes Augment the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Operational persistence Emphasize four communities of practices identified with UIC Operational Capability User Needs, Scenarios Design, Develop, Deploy AR-07-02, Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP-I, -II) AR-07-01, GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) support persistent implementation requirements SBA Tasks, UIC Call For Participation (remains open) - released in July - 37 responses - 85 persons at KO - 9 WG established Community Disaster Response Climate Change and Biodiversity Renewable Energy Air Quality A Call for Participation (CFP) in the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 2 was announced by the GEO Secretariat on 30 June 2008. To date, 37 responses have been received. The CFP remains open for the duration of AIP-2. The KO was held in Boulder Colorado, USA, Sep 25-26. Eighty five (85) persons attended the workshop over the two days. The AIP-2 Development phase will be conducted in 9 wgs. The 4 Community Working Groups will develop Scenarios that define the user objectives and the steps in the users decision process. The 5 Transverse Technology Working Groups are developing Use Cases that define how GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements are used to support the steps in the user Scenarios. AIP-2 plans to be completed in March 2009 with these results: 1) Demonstrations of the user scenarios; 2) Transition of select services to persistent operations, and 3) Select reports provided to the GEOSS Best Practices Registry. AIP-2 CFP Responses (37 to date) ACRF EuroCryoClim NASA World Wind BKG GEONETCast NOAA/NASA GOES-R and GMU CSISS Caribbean Flood Team GEO Grid NOAA IOOS CIESIN GEO-Ukraine NOAA NCDC CNES and ERDAS Giovanni NOAA SNAAP Compusult ICAN Noblis EPA AirNow ICT4EO Northrop Grumman ERDAS Titan INCOSE Spot Image ESA IP3 SURA/NIMSAT/GoMOOS ESIP AQ Cluster ISPRA USGS ESRI JAXA VIEWS ESRI Canada Mines Paris Tech Washington University in St. Louis Transverse Technology Clearinghouse, Catalogues, Registries and Metadata Access Services: products, sensors, models Workflow and Alerts Portals and Application Clients Others: Test Facility for service registration

GEO Executive Committee Convened IOC Task Force IOC Task Force was convened in July 2008 to report to the GEO Executive Committee (Ex Com) in support of GEOSS. IOC Task Force will assess and formalize the requirements of the GCI and to make recommendations to the Ex Com regarding operational and administrative issues related to a sustainable GCI. Ex Com approved the Task Force Members, its Terms of Reference (TOR) and Workplan Objectives of the TOR 1) to define and recommend a Concept of Operations plan for the GCI components. 2) to evaluate the existing GCI components and their sustained operation in light of known and emerging provider and user requirements, reliability, suitability, sustainability, and quality of service, and 3) to provide administrative recommendations regarding the sustainability of GCI operational solutions and related support.

How to develop the contribution of Europe to GEOSS and its GCI

GEOSS Common Infrastructure Problems Needs Priorities

Expectations you have from GEOSS What GEOSS is for you? How do you hope that GEOSS will facilitate your work? Which are the more important components? Is there a need for a GEOSS Common Infrastructure and if yes, which is its value?

Your contribution to GEOSS What contribution What commitment to operations Which barriers and which incentives

GEO 2010 ministerial what Europe is preparing to do or should do so that in 2-years time at the 2010 ministerial, there can be real progress demonstrated for the GEO? What can we offer? What should be done?

Issues and Questions what Europe is preparing to do or should do so that in 2-years time at the 2010 ministerial ? Is there a real progress to be demonstrated for the GEO? What can we offer? What should be done? What GEOSS is for you? How do you hope that GEOSS will facilitate your work? Which are the more important components? Is there a need for a GEOSS Common Infrastructure and if yes, which is its value? Problems Needs Priorities What contribution What commitment to operations Which barriers and which incentives