European Network of Living Labs


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Presentation transcript:

European Network of Living Labs Angelos Ktenas, Ph.D Senior Policy Co-ordinator Living Labs New Infrastructures Paradigms and Experimental Facilities Unit European Commission

Competitition & Sustainability European Network of Living Labs Framework Programmes & Policy FP5 Infso Life & Bio Competitition & Sustainability Energy & Environment 4 Thematic programmes Key action : City of Tomorrow 5 horizontal programmes 3 Areas with each a number of thematic programmes European Network of Living Labs FP6 FP7 4 Areas with each a number of thematic programmes 1984 1998 2002 2006 2007 Framework programme 1 Combining individual programmes as ESPRIT RACE BRITE JOULE SCIENCE Etc. Research DG 3 ~= ENTR I2010 policy CIP policy FP7 policy Policy 2006 1984 1998 2002 2007 INDUSTRY policy DG 13 ~= INFSO eEurope policy Research policy (1985) DG 12 ~= RTD ERA

Presence in I2010 policy documents I2010 Communication and Staff Report 2nd cluster on Innovation and investment in research, point ii. “Strengthening Innovation and Investment in ICT research to promote growth and more and better jobs reads : “Developing a European Network of Living Labs in the concept of eWork, providing services of large deployment to the industry, bringing technology test-beds into real-life user environments.” I2010 First Annual Report : European Network of Living Labs and Collaborative Work Environments. These bring technology test beds into real life user environments and further develop the concept of eWork as a tool for innovation within the work process In launching the partnership for growth and jobs as a new start for the Lisbon strategy, the 2005 Spring European Council called knowledge and innovation the engines of sustainable growth and stated that it is essential to build a fully inclusive information society, based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in public services, SMEs and households. Information and communication technologies are a powerful driver of growth and employment. A quarter of EU GDP growth and 40% of productivity growth are due to ICT. Differences in economic performances between industrialised countries are largely explained by the level of ICT investment, research, and use, and by the competitiveness of information society and media industries[1]. ICT services, skills, media and content are a growing part of the economy and society. In recent years, ICT developments have gained pace to arrive at the threshold of massive growth in information society and media, made possible by widespread fast communications, connecting multiple devices. Traditional content (such as films, video, music) is now available in digital formats, and new services that are ‘born digital’, such as interactive software, are emerging. The digital convergence of information society and media services, networks and devices is finally becoming an everyday reality: ICT will become smarter, smaller, safer, faster, always connected and easier to use, with content moving to three-dimensional multimedia formats. Proactive policies are needed to respond to the fundamental changes in technology. Digital convergence requires policy convergence and a willingness to adapt regulatory frameworks where needed so they are consistent with the emerging digital economy. The Commission proposes a new strategic framework, i2010 – European Information Society 2010, laying out broad policy orientations. It promotes an open and competitive digital economy and emphasises ICT as a driver of inclusion and quality of life. A key element of the renewed Lisbon partnership for growth and jobs, i2010 will build towards an integrated approach to information society and audio-visual media policies in the EU. Drawing on a comprehensive analysis of information society challenges and drawing on wide stakeholder consultation on previous initiatives and instruments[2], the Commission proposes three priorities for Europe’s information society and media policies: i) The completion of a Single European Information Space which promotes an open and competitive internal market for information society and media; ii) Strengthening Innovation and Investment in ICT research to promote growth and more and better jobs; iii) Achieving an Inclusive European Information Society that promotes growth and jobs in a manner that is consistent with sustainable development and that prioritises better public services and quality of life. The following sections outline the objectives of i2010 and the key activities, which are fully integrated and consistent with the new Lisbon governance cycle. [1] The services of the information society and media industries were already described in the 1998 Green Paper on convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors and the implications for regulation towards an information society approach (COM(97)623) and, taking into account new developments, in the 2003 Communication on the Future of European Regulatory Audiovisual Policy (COM(2003)784). These services reflect the convergence now taking place between electronic communications services, information society services and broadcasting services and the emergence of new content services resulting therefrom. [2] I.e. the eEurope initiatives and the communication on the future of European audiovisual regulatory policy, COM(2003) 784 I2010 Second Annual Report Launch of a European Network of Living Labs, 20.11.2006: The European Network of Living Labs creates a platform where firms, public authorities and citizens can work together on developing and testing new technologies, business models and services in real-life contexts. The ultimate aim is to set up a new European Innovation Infrastructure where users play an active role in innovation.

2006 2007 2008 FP6 FP7 CIP i2010 CA : Corelabs ENoLL Ongoing projects with living labs; core of growth of Living Labs (± 40 Mio €) FP6 CA : Corelabs EcoSpace Laboranova C@R Cospaces WearIT@Work ENoLL 2006 2007 2008 FP7 Research Infrastructures REGIO Fast Track Urban CIP Call 1 Budget : 1,5 Mio € funding for the Living Labs thematic network for policy i2010 Annual Report 2006 Annual Report 2007 Annual Report 2008

European innovation policy framework Almost all EU-policy areas have a role to play I2010 Strenghtening innovation and investment in research CIP ICT support programme FP7 Capacities Helsinki Manifesto - ENoLL is one of the actions "the European Network of Living Labs establishes a European platform for collaborative and co-creative innovation, where the users are involved in and contribute to the innovation process. This approach should ensure that common methodologies and tools are developed across Europe that support, stimulate and accelerate the innovation process. The European Network of Living Labs also has a strong regional growth and development impact by facilitating and fostering regional innovation as interlinked with a European innovation system with a global reach.“ Launch of the ENoLL, Nov.2006, first wave, not finalized yet

Further elements of the European Innovation vision Helsinki Manifesto – 20/11/2006 1. Opening EU-wide procurement of R&D for innovation within public services 2. Creation of EU-wide standardized and harmonized banking and financial eServices 3. European Network of Living Labs as a way to enhance European innovativeness 4. Increasing interoperability and creating EU-wide standards and eServices 5. Setting up a Strategic Task Force over the presidencies in 2007-2008 6. The horizontal programme within the 7th framework programme for EUwide knowledge-intensive service society development 7. Enabling working environment

What is a Living Lab ? Definition Living Labs are « functional regions » where stakeholders have formed a Public Private Partnership (PPP) of firms, public agencies, universities, institutes and people all collaborating for creation , prototyping, validating and testing of new services, products and systems in real-life contexts. Such contexts are cities, villages and rural areas as well as industrial plants.

Existing Living Labs in Europe 2 1 3,9 4 5 6 7,8 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 18 17 19 ENoLL first wave: starting from 20 Living labs

Living Labs in EU projects MEUR 40+ Project Portfolio Action IPs & CAs eCoSpace CoSpaces Collaboration @Rural WearIT@Work Laboranova * HP * SAP * Telematica * Atkins ltd * ETRA group * Virtech * * SAP * Fiat / ISVOR * Danfoss * Marratech * Agilience * * HP * Microsoft * SAP * EADS CCR * Siemens * Telefonica * SAP * NOKIA * Philips * Siemens * * Airbus Cimpa * The Open Group * CERFACS * Frietuna * CoreLabs - coordination for LL network launch & methodology NOKIA, IBM, Atos Origin, … CLOCK - coordination for LL technology, policy, industry, roadmap Atos Origin, Alfamicro, NOKIA, …

Developing the European Network of Living Labs First Wave: 20 living labs Initiative ENoLL launched on November 20th, 2006 by the Finish Presidency Second Wave: Increase to 35 Living labs in Finland, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Tsech Republic Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden Third Wave: Going beyond 50 Concept Concept

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