Slide title In CAPITALS 50 pt Slide subtitle 32 pt European R&D.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide title In CAPITALS 50 pt Slide subtitle 32 pt European R&D

Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt © Ericsson AB 2006M. Madfors2 A forum that brings together the main stakeholders in a field to identify common goals of industrial relevance and to develop a roadmap to achieve these goals, addressing both technology & non-technology barriers, committing to supporting financially the roadmap and monitor its implementation Europes Technology Platforms Strategic Research Agenda –Europes future growth, competitiveness and sustainable development depend on major research and technological advances in the medium to long-term, defined by its stakeholders Common European approach, covering the complete chain from research and technological development through to future, large-scale market penetration. –Mobilise the private and public investments required for the implementation of the research and development strategies. Framework Programmes, National, Regional and Private research funding, European Investment Bank, Intergovernmental EUREKA Initiative ICT eMobility NEM ISI Artemis NESSI Industry Civil Society Research Organisations Member States Public Authorities

Slide title In CAPITALS 50 pt Slide subtitle 32 pt Total number of members 261 Industry86 Research108 SME 67 Membership, March 2006 Steering board23 (Elected) Expert Advisory Group Mirror Group

Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt © Ericsson AB 2006M. Madfors4 Research projects Demo / Trial Systems and Early deployment Product development And market take-up Scenarios Market Society Users RESEARCH IDEAS Technology break-through PRODUCTS Time Leveraging your investment Framework Programs: Integrated projects, Networks of Excellence, etc., involving all stake holders to address the entire value chain Bringing research one step further: Complementary instruments in National, Regional and Private research funding, European Investment Bank, EUREKA Initiative Strategic Research Agenda Simplicity, Efficiency and Trust - Connectivity - Applications & Security Globalisation and cooperation Technology Standardisation Regulation Market and multi-disciplinary cooperation Market issues Services and applications The Framework Program should establish the conditions and provide the resources so that this can happen.

Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt © Ericsson AB 2006M. Madfors5 Stimulating research Key purpose of FP7 is now to improve the longer term competitiveness of European industry in the knowledge based economy. –Simplification of the rules for participation should be based on a clear understanding of this key purpose Conditions and resources for FP7 should be in that –Maximising the participation of European organisations –Providing predictable practices for partners The Framework Program should establish the conditions and provide the resources so that this can happen. Providing flexibility in that Europe and its industry can successfully compete in the global economy

Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt © Ericsson AB 2006M. Madfors6 Europes way forward Use Technology platforms to establish view on research and needed actions for the sector Implement main strategies in FP7 in a harmonised approach with national and European regional programs Use complementary instruments for experimentation and/or deployment at scale with new architectures, technologies, and policies

Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt © Ericsson AB 2006M. Madfors7