Bellringer 1. 1. Do you think average seasonal temperatures have changed in the past few years? 2. 2. How do you think recent temperatures may compare.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellringer Do you think average seasonal temperatures have changed in the past few years? How do you think recent temperatures may compare with temperatures from thousands of millions of years ago? How might climate change affect ecosystems and human populations?

Global Warming Section 13.3 Objectives: 1. Identify major greenhouse gases and their sources. 2. Describe consequences of global warming.

The Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse gases: – –Gases in the atmosphere that absorb and radiate heat – –Water vapor, carbon dioxide, CFC’s, methane, and nitrous oxide The solar radiation trapped serves to warm Earth’s atmosphere

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels

Major Greenhouse Gases and Their Sources

How Certain is Global Warming? Global warming: the predicted increase in global temperature Some scientists believe the increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will trap more heat, raising global temperatures. Other scientists believe the warming is part of natural climatic variability.

Consequences of Global Warming Spider Map Assignment Pages Include ALL 5 Red Headings on the legs. Include details of each heading.

Reducing the Risk Kyoto Protocol: requires developed countries to decrease emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by an average of 5% below their 1990 levels by – U.S. decided not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol Reforestation projects decrease carbon dioxide levels.

Know for Test! What greenhouse gas increased significantly after the Industrial Revolution? WHY? Is global warming definitely happening? Why would reforestation projects help reduce carbon dioxide levels? P.345: 1, 4