Introducing Foreign Workers to Japan ; Necessary or Unnecessary ?


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing Foreign Workers to Japan ; Necessary or Unnecessary ? Saeka Morozumi

The Japanese new policy. By 朝日新聞 4月5日 「外国人労働者受け入れ拡大、安倍政権」 復興や東京五輪などで人手が不足する建設業で「技能実習」を終えた人の再就労を認めるほか、介護や農業、家事支援でも受け入れ拡大を検討する。人口が減り続けるなか、高齢化社会を支える働き手を確保するねらいだ。

Japanese law At present, Japanese government does not accept foreign workers who engage in simple labors.(単純労働)  厚生労働省 says… “外国人の就労は、「専門、技術的な能力や外国人ならではの能力に着目した 人材」のみ許可する” (朝日新聞2014.4.8) Works which do not need special skill. (e.x. construction work, waitress)

Now… The number of foreign workers is 720,000 ベトナム(3.8%) フィリピン(11.2%) (厚生労働省 H25.10.9)

The reason why Japan did not need foreign workers in 1960’ The reason why Japan did not need foreign workers in 1960’. (compared to Europe) <Europe> <Japan> the popularity of heavy industry. The lack of labors after WW2. The lack of Flexibility because of labor union the popularity of saving energy. To enforce the power of individual employees. The flexibility of using labors. (e.x. unofficial workers)

What happened ??

「出入国管理及び難民認定法」 In 1990 This law was revised. → government enlarged the sphere of regulation about foreign workers. (e.x. foreign workers for researching, health care, transferring)

Japan v.s. Europe Compared to Europe, Japanese standards about foreign workers are quite limited. 厚生労働省 2013 H.P.より

Outline Introduction (background) Defining Term Evidence Analysis Conclusion

Definition ☆The type of foreign worker is various. What is foreign workers??    → A foreign worker is a person who works in a country other than the one of which he or she is a citizen. (c.f. pregressive : Japanese-English dictionary) ☆The type of foreign worker is various.

The variation of foreign workers. 1. A permanent residence (身分に基づく在留資格者) Permanent residences(永住者) Spouses(配偶者) Refugees(難民) 2. A Temporary worker(活動に制限のある出稼ぎ労働者) legal illegal Skilled workers, professionals (専門的、技術的労働者) Technical intern students(技能実習者) Illegal workers(不法労働者)

Type (法務省H.P. 2013 引用) 

About title Necessary….to accept foreign workers to Japan has merits for our country, so the government should promote that. 【開国論】 unnecessary…to accept foreign workers has demerits for our country, so government should not admit them. 【鎖国論】

Outline Introduction (background) Defining Term Evidence Analysis Conclusion

Evidence for necessary Evidence for necessary 3-1       strategy 3-2       labor shortag e

Necessary evidence 3-1:strategy Foreign workers play important roles in a new strategy of companies. They have special skills which Japanese workers do not have. economic growth …?!

Example : tourist industry To introduce foreign workers led to the company’s economic growth. I decided to introduce Chinese workers as hotel staff. It is because many tourist from China come to our hotel. Our purpose of introducing foreign workers is to improve our service skill. (参照) 「外国人労働者を雇用している企業の視点」

Example : IT business (引用 ☆Indian workers. → good at mathematics. e.x. (株)NTT コミュニケーションズ the president, 有馬 彰, says… インドのトップビジネススクールはとてもクオリティの高い人材をさまざまな企業に提供しており、我々はそういった才能ある人材を教育してさまざまな国々のIT企業へ送る

Necessary evidence 3-2;labor shortage The compensation for a labor shortage. To employ foreign workers does not cost so much!! Cheap to employ. More and more workers.

The population of workers                           (朝日新聞201 →why??? (厚生労働省2014)

Decreasing birthrate and aging population 65 years old people and 15~64 years old people will be Half and half…???

According to 中村二郎( 外国人労働者問題 専門家)…… As aging is continue in our society, the number of working-age population will be dramatically down. And Japan will suffer from chronic shortage of labors. Under this situation, government will have no choice but to rely on foreign workers. c.f. 日本経済(2014.6.7)

Evidence for unnecessary 4-1 The problem of Japanese language 4-2 Crime

Unnecessary evidence 4-1: the problem of Japanese. It is too difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. It takes long time for foreign workers to master Japanese. The shortage of Japanese school.

More than 80% of companies think that foreign workers should acquire Japanese skill which is necessary on business. 参照JILPT

The lack of Japanese school The number of foreigners who need to go to Japanese school is totally over the number of Japanese teacher. 朝日新聞2012.5.9

Unnecessary evidence 4-2 ; Crime 警察省(2014)

Outline Introduction (background) Defining Term Evidence Analysis Conclusion

Benefit for society(社会的便益)< disbursement from society(社会費用) Analysis 3-1 出稼ぎ期 定住期 統合期 A.社会的便益   国の税収   地方の税収   社会保険料   計 1811 1455 3266 931 381 1802 3116 775 282 1932 2989 B.社会費用   国の支出   地方の支出   社会保険給付 128 155 524 806 778 4867 891 6530 3565 9015 1581 14134 (労働省2010年) Benefit for society(社会的便益)< disbursement from society(社会費用)

Analysis for necessary 3-1 ; strategy To employ foreign workers becomes good strategy for company?? low Japanese ability. ➡ It takes a long time for them to adapt to their work. ➡ It is difficult to use them as good strategy soon. The economic effect is worse rather than better

Analysis① necessary; strategy To employ foreign workers becomes good strategy for company?? low Japanese ability. ➡ It takes a long time for them to adapt to their work. ➡ It is difficult to use them as good strategy soon. The economic effect is worse rather than better

Analysis for necessary 3-2 ; the shortage of labors We cannot completely say that Japan will suffer from the shortage of labors. no one can anticipate the balance of demand and supply. The rise of labor productivity.

労働省 2012内閣府)2014.5.

Analysis necessary 3-2 ; the shortage of labors We cannot completely say that Japan will suffer from the shortage of labors. no one can anticipate the balance of demand and supply. The rise of labor productivity. The effective use of indigenous labor force. (国内労働力)

潜在的労働者比率(内閣府HPより 2014)

Analysis for necessary 3-2; the shortage of labors We cannot completely say that Japan will suffer from the shortage of labors. no one can anticipate the balance of demand and supply. The rise of labor productivity. The effective use of indigenous labor force. (国内労働力)

Analysis for unnecessary 4-1;The problem of Japanese

The problem of Japanese Foreign labors who can speak their own languages contribute to conduct negotiation with companies abroad. abroad   Japan The need for foreign workers is ability to negotiate in native language ability to look through many papers in English.

English begin to be an official language in some companies. 楽天  … 三木谷社長  (since2010~English became an official language)   special interview 英語を公用語にしていなければ今の高い地位には至ってなかった。売り上げが伸びたばかりか、国際的なプレゼンスも上がり、入社する社員のクオリティーも非常に伸びた。大きなメリットとしては①エンジニアの採用の高度化 ②日本のビジネスノウハウを海外に浸透できた ことだ。 (楽天公式ホームページより)

Analysis for Unnecessary 4-1;the problem of Japanese. It is too difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. It takes long time for foreign workers to master Japanese. The shortage of Japanese school.

Analysis for unnecessary 4-2;Crime                                (警察庁平成25年)

Outline Introduction (background) Defining Term Evidence Analysis Conclusion

Conclusion Evidence 1 → strategy Evidence 2 → shortage of labors Necessary Unnecessary Evidence 1 → strategy Evidence 2 → shortage of labors Evidence 3 → Japanese Evidence 4 → Crime

Outline Introduction (background) Defining Term Evidence Analysis Conclusion

From now..  This social issue should be considered not only from domestic aspect but also from global aspect. Japanese government should not rely on foreign workers too much. The government has to think about the way to make up for shortage of labors by using national labors effectively at first. By now, Japan does not prepare for society for making foreign workers adapt.

Thank you for your listening. Finished!!! Thank you for your listening. 2014. 12. 2.