JEOPARDY ASL 1 Midterm Review Walker, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

JEOPARDY ASL 1 Midterm Review Walker, 2010

History Grammar Culture Numbers Signs 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy #1 #2

The first Deaf College is located in this city. History - 100 The first Deaf College is located in this city. Epithelia and glands What is Washington D.C?

Who is Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet? History - 200 The first teacher of the Deaf in the US, who went across the ocean to learn how to teach Deaf students. Urinary bladder; expansion and recoil Who is Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet?

History - 300 The Deaf Frenchman who came to the US to help start the first Deaf school. Endocrine glands Who is Laurent Clerc?

History - 400 Who is Alice Cogswell? The young girl whose father help fund the travels overseas and was one of the first students at the first school for the Deaf. Merocrine Who is Alice Cogswell?

History - 500 The first president of Gallaudet University (then Gallaudet College) An abundant number of desmosomes hold the skin cells together as a sheet instead of loosely organized cells. Who is Edward Minor Gallaudet?

Grammar - 100 When a signer lowers their eyebrows, leans forward, and holds the last sign. What is a “WH” question?

Grammar - 200 What is fingerspelling? When a word is spelled out using the manual (ASL) alphabet. What is fingerspelling?

Grammar - 300 Object-Subject-Verb (OSV) The basic/common word order of ASL. Object-Subject-Verb (OSV)

Grammar - 400 What is Signer’s Perspective? When watching directions, you should visualize them through this. What is Signer’s Perspective?

Grammar - 500 Other than NMGS’, the four parameters of a sign. DAILY DOUBLE Stratum germinativum, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum. What is handshape, location, movement, and palm orientation?

What is Medical/Clinical? Culture - 100 People who view deafness as a disability, and as something that needs to be fixed, has this perspective. What is Medical/Clinical?

What is lip and speechreading? Culture - 200 The least effective way to communicate between Deaf and hearing people. What is lip and speechreading?

The Deaf peddlers from Mexico were found in this city. Culture - 300 The Deaf peddlers from Mexico were found in this city. What is New York City?

Culture - 400 Who is I. King Jordan? After Elizabeth Ann Zinser resigned as President from Gallaudet, this person was the named the first Deaf President. Who is I. King Jordan?

Culture - 500 The location of the first school for the Deaf in America, established by T.H. Gallaudet. What is Hartford, CT?

Numbers & Years - 100 What are Ordinal Numbers? Numbers that “twist” when being signed, and indicate order. What are Ordinal Numbers?

Numbers that are signed from the chin. Numbers & Years - 200 Numbers that are signed from the chin. Muscle, neural, epithelial, and connective What are Age numbers?

The year the “Deaf President Now” occurred at Gallaudet. Numbers & Years - 300 The year the “Deaf President Now” occurred at Gallaudet. What is 1988?

Look at your teacher, and correctly sign numbers 20-30. Numbers & Years - 400 Look at your teacher, and correctly sign numbers 20-30.

Numbers & Years - 500 What is the 1940’s? In what decade did peddling really start to occur by actual Deaf people? What is the 1940’s?

Look at your teacher and sign: Signs - 100 Look at your teacher and sign: “Nice to meet you”

Signs - 200 Look at your teacher and sign: “I like ASL” in topic/comment structure.

Signs – 300 Look at your teacher and sign: “My mom is Deaf and my dad is hard of hearing.”

Signs - 400 Look at your teacher and give her directions to where the library is located in your building. DAILY DOUBLE

Signs - 500 Look at your teacher and sign: “I don’t know Spanish and I don’t like science.” In correct topic/comment order.

Name 2 of the 4 demands of the students involved in the DPN Rally. Final Jeopardy #1 Name 2 of the 4 demands of the students involved in the DPN Rally. Dr. Zinser resign and a deaf president be elected Spilman, the Chairman of the Board Resign A majority of the Board of Directors must be Deaf There be no reprisals

Final Jeopardy #2 When forming a one handed sign, you use your _____________. When signing a two-handed non-symmetrical sign, you __________________ _____________________, and when signing a two-handed symmetrical sign, ________________________. Move your dominant hand, Dominant hand. while keeping the other still. Both hands move, doing the same thing.