“Spending in health care is the single largest component of overall consumer spending – larger than spending on either housing or food.” — Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman
America Will Spend… $2.6 trillion this year on health care and according to the Congressional Budget Office, that equates to $8300 per person or 18% of the GDP. This means that a family of 4 will spend on average, over $33,000 this year on healthcare expenditures.
Do You Know Where The World Health Organization currently rank America’s Health Care System ? We Spend The Most… Is Our Health Care The Best?
1. France 2. Italy 3. San Marino 4. Andorra 5. Malta 6. Singapore 7. Spain 8. Oman 9. Austria 10. Japan 11. Norway 12. Portugal 13. Monaco 14. Greece 15. Iceland 16. Luxembourg 17. Netherlands 18. United Kingdom 19. Ireland 20. Switzerland 21. Belgium 22. Colombia 23. Sweden 24. Cyprus 25. Germany 26. Saudi Arabia 27. United Arab Emirates 28. Israel 29. Morocco 30. Canada 31. Finland 32. Australia 33. Chile 34. Denmark 35. Dominica 36. Costa Rica 37.United States of America
Preventable illness makes up 70% of the burden of illness and the associated expenses. — The New England Journal of Medicine
“Wellness is an active, lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness involves choices about our lives and our priorities that determine our lifestyles. The Wellness concept is centered on connections and the idea that the mind, body, spirit and community are all interrelated and interdependent.” - Arizona State University’s Definition of Wellness Wellness is…
Cultivating Healthy Habits HABIT Knowledge (WHAT) Attitude (WHY) Skill (HOW) “Who you are speaks so loudly that I can’t hear what you say.”
The Three Main Causes of Aging and Chronic Disease are… Moving Poorly Thinking Poorly Eating Poorly
3 Components of a Healthy Lifestyle Moving Well Thinking Well Eating Well
Moving Well Cardiovascular- the heart is a muscle and needs to work to become stronger Target Heart Rate= 220-age= ? x.7 Exercise 3x’s per week minutes within your THR #1 indicator of aging- Loss of Muscle!! Resistance Training- increases muscle mass and metabolism and decreases body fat 3 areas to train: Upper, Lower Body and CORE Flexibility- Yoga, Pilates, Stretching Move your Spine Get adjusted regularly- Do you brush everyday? Become aware of your Posture- Posture Exercise
Eating Well Drinking Plenty of Water ½ body weight in ounces Balancing Your Blood Sugar- Grazing/Not Gorging Eat High Fiber (>5 grams/serving) Carbs (no white flour or corn syrup) Read about Glycemic Index of Foods (Quality/Quantity of Sugar in food) Eating the Right Kinds of Fats: Olive Oil and Omega 3’s vs. Saturated or Trans Fats (hydrogenated fat) Understanding Toxicity and Alkalinity Fruit or Vegetable with every meal Take a good multivitamin/omega-3/probiotic Understanding How to Read Food Labels: Quality Carbs/Protein/Fat 40%-30%-30% and 30g-20g-10g (Carbs/Protein/Fat per meal) Graze (5, 300 calorie meals per day) vs. Gorge (2 high calorie meals) Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup, Trans Fat (hydrogenated oils such as corn or soybean oils) You Won’t Comply Until You Make it a Habit: Make a Record of Everything you eat for the next 5 days
Thinking Well You are what you Think about most of the time Manage your Emotions Being “in the present” Our thoughts ultimately control our: Who we are (state) What we do (actions) What we have (life) Does your life have Purpose Do you feel as if you make a difference in this world? Are you Serving?
MAINTAINING HEALTH No Symptoms Nutrition Inconsistent Exercise Sporadic Health Not High Priority Headed for a Crisis False Wellness Feeling Good vs. Functioning Good
When would be the best time to move toward wellness? In which direction would you like to move toward?
The best time to begin taking your health seriously is sometime between yesterday and tomorrow!