Revision for Unit “Creation” What topics do you remember learning about ?


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Presentation transcript:

Revision for Unit “Creation” What topics do you remember learning about ?

Key Terms 1.To have rule and mastery over other living beings in the world 2. God’s activity of making the world 3. Our basic attitude of rebellion against God which we have “inherited” from Adam and Eve 4. The story in Genesis of how Adam and Eve lost their friendship with God 5. To be responsible and care for the welfare of God’s creation 6. Truths about who God is and what He has done for us. 7. Truths about how the world is made, proved by research and experiment Theological truths Scientific truths The Fall Dominion Creation Original Sin Stewardship Choose and write out 4 key terms + matching definitions that you were least sure about.

Made in God’s Image Identify and write out the 3 ways that MOST show we are made in God’s image – Able to give up our lives for others – Able to reflect on our own experience – Able to know and love God – Able to invent new things – Able to know good and evil – Able to communicate thoughts and ideas Why should you not harm or destroy Vulnerable old people Unborn children Seriously disabled people ? 1.Name and explain ONE reason why you shouldn’t 2.Explain ONE reason why someone may disagree with you. 3.Explain ONE reason for your OWN opinion.

The Stories of Creation Tell your partner one of the creation stories Genesis 1Genesis 2 Which meanings go with both creation stories ? Which are unique to only one story ? Draw them in the right part of the Venn diagram. for each other 2.all is good 3.God wanted it made in God’s image must care for the earth Genesis 2 Genesis 1 Both stories

use the word prompts to describe & explain your chosen Creation story. In 6 days out of nothing Order: light-dark/ heaven- earth/ land-sea/ sun-stars/ animals/ humans/ rest 4 Meanings: – all is good/ – man in God’s image/ – God wanted it/ – care for earth Dry lifeless earth Stream /flood things grow Man out of dust Animals made & named Woman out of rib 4 Meanings: – man-woman for each other/ – man in God’s image/ – God wanted it/ – care for earth

The Fall & Original Sin What did Adam & Eve do that was wrong ? 3 things What 4 things happened as a result ? What is the consequence for us? (define Original Sin)

REVIEW To complete corrections  homework To evaluate your performance

Theological vs Scientific truth GENESIS 1 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. GENESIS 2 But for Adam [f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the L ORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs [g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the L ORD God made a woman from the rib [h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.od.fgh What in these two verses is Not LITERALLY true ie didn’t really happen the way it is told here ? What in these verses is not SCIENTIFICALLY true ? What IS true ? What IS THEOLOGICALLY true ?

Appraise your Partner Look at your partner’s work. Did they achieve more or less than you expected them to, from your knowledge of them in class ? What did they do well ? What do they need to work on improving? What advice would you give them to help them improve ? 1.What questions did you score highly in? Why? 2.What questions did you not score well in ? Why ? 3.What is your current end of year level? 4.Did you achieve your level/ exceed/ underachieve your level in the test? 5.What could you do to improve your performance up a level next time? (what targets do you need to set yourself ?) Test Review

Key Terms: look up class notes for stewardship, original sin. The Fall = story Adam & Eve thrown out of paradise. Theological/ Scientific truth: class notes Creation Story: class notes. Tell ONE in detail 2 theological truths: see table you stuck in Made in the Image of God Does NOT mean we literally LOOK LIKE him in appearance. We have God’s CHARACTER ie know & love God, know good & evil/ sacrifice for others/ are creative/ can reason & have free will. Use the quote below to explain why NOBODY who is made in the image of God is worthless: I Cor 3:17 If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple. Main point: because you are like God, you are holy: no-one has the right to harm or destroy you. Stewardship of Creation a.Christians are GIVEN the duty of stewardship by God. Evidence - Bible quotes: “God said “Be masters over the fish and animals and rule over them” (Genesis 1) “God placed the man in the garden to to take care of it”. (Genesis 2). “Do not cut down the fruit trees” (Deuteronomy 20) b. What about other people ? Why would they take care of creation? c. Who has most duty as stewards? Christians, who have been commanded, or non- Christians who think it is right? Corrections

Theological truths are truths about __________, and what God does for ____. They are important to know as they give _________ to your life, and how you __________ the purpose of your life. An example is..... Scientific truths tell us _______about how the world is ______. This is useful in giving us ________ over things in the world (eg discovering and using electricity), but it won’t help you to _________ the meaning of your life. An example is....