Asia Future Internet Forum 2010. 3. Rodney Van Meter


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Presentation transcript:

Asia Future Internet Forum Rodney Van Meter

AsiaFI Founded in Dec To coordinate R&D on FI in Asia and beyond With activities including Exchange of research ideas and results Education Events Working Groups Joined by 45 institutions from 14 countries Reaching out to US and EU

Structure General Assembly Boardchair, Jun Murai (JP) Steering Groupchair, Kilnam Chon (KR) Secretariatdirector, Jun Bi (CN) Committees Education Working Groups Architecture, Wireless & Mobility, Testbed


Events in 2008 AsiaFI Winter School on Mobile & Wireless Network, Seoul, Feb International Conference on Future Internet (CFI '08), Seoul (with FIF), June 2008 AsiaFI Summer School on Architecture & Building Blocks, Jeju, Aug Workshop on Fundamental Issues of Future Internet, Qingdao, Oct. 2008

Events in 2009 AsiaFI Winter School on Mobile & Wireless Network, Beijing, Jan APAN-AsiaFI Joint Workshop on FI Testbed, Kaohsiung, March 2009 International Conference on Future Internet (CFI '09), Seoul (with FIF), June 2009 AsiaFI Summer School on Architecture & Building Blocks, Jeju, Aug. 2009

Events in 2010 AsiaFI Workshop on Identifiers for Future Internet(WIFI), Seoul, Feb AsiaFI Winter School on Wireless and Mobility, Seoul, Feb International Conference on Future Internet (CFI '10), Seoul (with FIF), June 2010 AsiaFI Summer School on Architecture, Yokohama, Aug. 2010

Events in 2011 AsiaFI Winter School, Hong Kong, Feb International Conference on Future Internet (CFI '11), (with FIF), June 2011 AsiaFI Summer School, Shanghai, Aug. 2011

Summer School 2009

Summer School 2009 Jeju Island, Korea

Summer School 2009

Wkshp on Identifiers in FI (WIFI) 2010 Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Participants from 15 countries C, J, K, US, FR, TH, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Rwanda, Pakistan, Malaysia, India, Syria,... Speakers John Day, Pete Resnick, Lixia Zhang,... Hot discussion/debates on Naming and addressing Wireless / Mobility

Winter 2010 Program Overview Wednesday WIFI workshop organized by WIFI workshop program committee Thursday and Friday School program 4 technical talks 3 tutorials 10 paper presentations (with posters) 8 poster presentations (with lightening talks) 2 demonstrations Panel discussion

2010 Winter School Participants

On-going Agenda Research Continued exchange of project activities Joint research projects Center of Excellence Education In-depth schools Train professional researchers of the future Global collaboration US, EU, Africa (AAF: Asia-Africa Forum),...

Education Asia already: produces world-class hackers has first-rate net infrastructure in many countries produces Nobel Prize winners We are trying to: improve scientific rigor of Asian FI researchers improve communication skills (English, writing, presentation) build a community prepare students for international collaborations, work abroad, participation in IETF, etc.

Summer School 2010 Keio Universitys Hiyoshi Campus Yokohama, Japan Aug (week before SIGCOMM) Looking for both students and faculty (corporate or academic)

How You Can Be Involved Participate in mailing lists Submit papers to workshops Join us as faculty for schools Sponsor meetings Provide scholarships for students (especially from emerging economies)
