1 Shale Gas Working Group Eco City Industry Energy & Efficiency Energy Efficient Building & Design Smart Grid Renewable Energy DECHP Clean Air Industry.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Shale Gas Working Group Eco City Industry Energy & Efficiency Energy Efficient Building & Design Smart Grid Renewable Energy DECHP Clean Air Industry Energy & Efficiency Clean Transport & Fuel DECHP Clean Coal Power Generation Clean Coal Shale Gas Nuclear Power Renewable Energy DECHP Shale Gas

2 Working Group Value Chain

3 Working Group Members Co-Chairs Members

4 Working Group Roadmap Shale gas development 页岩气开发 Estimate Auditing 评估和审计 Market Awareness & Capacity Building 市场意识和能力培养 Adoption of Technology 技术采纳 Operators 独立油气区块和 页岩气开发业主 Policy and Regulatory Impact 政策及法规影响 Short 短期 2013 Benchmarking 基准分析 Awareness, professionalism, familiarity with advanced technology 专业技能及先进技术的培训 Continue to promote advanced energy use and water reuse and treatment concept 推进先进的能源使用 和水循环利用概念 US-China Partnership- select 2-3 pilot projects with USTDA funds 中美合作 – 完成 USTDA 资 助的 2-3 个示范项目选 定 Participate in Chinese policy development 参与中国相关政策制定 Mid 中期 Policy Tools 政策工具 Demo Projects 示范工程 Demo areas 示范区域 10 projects, 10 个示范项目, US tech application in shale gas field and industries 美国技术应用 Incentive policy Demo projects Promotion of best practices 鼓励政策 支持试点工程 推广最佳实施模式 Encourage shale gas integration application Develop industry standards 鼓励页岩气综合利用 制定行业标准 Long 长期 Dissemination / Sharing of Information 传播及信息共享 Organization-wide acceptance 各方面广泛接纳 Reach the G&O of China shale gas 实现中国页岩气开发总 体目标 Restrict standard and energy/water saving policy 制定严格环保标准和节能减排标准

 Renewable energy  Content support for 3 rd Renewable Energy Industrial Forum  Release of two studies:  US-CN-EU PV integration standard comparison findings  Reference on US wind standard and market conditions  Eco-city / smart solutions for energy efficiency improvement  Green data center program, including workshop, bilateral expert committee establishment and best practice portfolio initiation, kick-off supported by TDA, DOE and MIIT  Low carbon city development workshop with NDRC  Clean transportation and fuel  Content support for US- China Advanced Biofuel Forum  Improved access to Chinese government regulators and industry consortium on clean transportation market access issues  Civil nuclear energy  Content support for the first US civil nuclear trade mission to China  Agreement by US DOE and DOC to support NPWG systematic engagement with China on nuclear safety in alignment with PUNT and industry needs  Smart grid modernization technical assistance  Demand side management demo project in Tianjin (Honeywell, AECOM)  Major Events in 2013  April: 3 rd ECP annual work meeting attended by Secretary of State John Kerry and State Councillor Yang Jiechi  Year-round: systematic engagement with US-China Climate Change Working Group to support ECP initiatives and memco projects  September: Shandong provincial trip accompanies by VM Wang Chao of MOFCOM and VG Xia Geng for memco project advocacy and market development  2H: Industrial expertise support for and market development through US-China Eco-City Partnership pilot program kick-off and local visits  October: MB Executive Committee and Senior Executives Meeting with U.S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz on U.S.-China Energy Policy Engagement and DOE public-private Partnership programs  December: ECP 4 th anniversary aside of JCCT including renewal of 2011 USTDA and NEA MOU in support of ECP Key Deliverables Achieved in 2013 B A CD E F  Industrial Emission Reduction and Energy Efficiency  Kick-off industrial boiler energy efficiency improvement and emission reduction workshop with MIIT  Content support for 5 th Energy Efficiency Forum Key Accomplishments in 2013  Energy financing and investment  Development of CFIUS guide for Chinese investors  Content support for US investment promotion at events led by MOFCOM, USDOC, DOE 5

6  Renewable energy  Module stability and safety evaluation workshop  Wind turbine quality and standard mutual recognition workshop  Eco-city / smart solutions for energy efficiency improvement  Support for memco demo project development in Hefei and Mentougou on city planning and smart solution energy efficiency R&D  Domestic eco-city exchange program for Chinese mayors  Scale-up of green data center program including project-based workshops and demo project development  TDA funded RTM for green data center with MIIT (combined with industrial boiler efficiency)  Clean transportation and fuel  Fuel economics workshop proposed with China Petroleum Industry Federation (CPCIF)  High energy efficiency engine application on auto vehicle (Pinnacle in Chongqing or Anhui)  Civil nuclear energy  US nuclear safety culture and technology workshop series supported by DOE, DOC and NRC in Q1 and Q  Workshop on nuclear liability protection (prospective members, including Chadbourne LLP)  Smart grid modernization technical assistance  FERC, TDA and DOE supported workshops and RTM on grid management and renewable energy integration  Micro-grid demo project for roof PV, energy storage and DSM  Cisco – CEPRI integrated smart grid communication model feasibility study  OSIsoft & Cisco – China Southern Grid EPRI distributed data integration, mgnt, visualization, for OEM feasibility study  Major Events  Year-round: continued systematic coordination with the US-China Climate Change Working Group to support ECP and memco initiatives and projects  Q1: ECP-Huaneng Carbon Assets Cooperation MOU  February and March: Xinjiang trade mission follow-up for clean coal, renewable energy and DE&CHP  Q1: 4 th annual work meeting  Q3: first ECP missions to Inner- Mongolia, Hebei and Shanxi  Q3: Green Data Centre Demo Project Signing (5 th US-China Energy Efficiency Forum)  Q3: Boiler Demo Project Signing (5 th US-China Energy Efficiency Forum) Key Priories (Short-term) in 2014 B A CD E F  Industrial emission reduction and energy efficiency  Demo projects for industrial boiler efficiency improvement and emission control (ST Johnson, Honeywell, GE, LP Amina)  TDA funded RTM for Industrial boiler efficiency and emission reduction with MIIT (combined with green data center) 2014 Key Priorities (Short-term)  Clean coal  Follow-up visit to develop clean coal projects in Xinjiang  Participation in DOE-NEA clean coal training programs  Support for US-China Coal Industrial Forum  Mercury control workshop with MEP  Shale gas  TDA-funded shale gas training program on promotion of US shale gas technologies  Shale gas RTM to be funded by TDA

7  Renewable energy  Small scale wind power generation pilot project in industrial park (FloDesign)  Thin film PV power generation station demo project (First Solar)  New energy power generation operation and management training  Eco-city / smart solution for energy efficiency improvement  Chinese eco-city need assessment feasibility study including building retrofit  Industrial park or building based demo project (Honeywell, Cisco, FXXC)  Provision of findings from demo projects for green data center standards  Upgrade of green data center program to comprehensive smart solution for energy efficiency improvement  Civil nuclear energy  Support for US companies’ existing project and market development in China through continuous engagement on nuclear safety supported by USG  Engagement with bilateral governments on localization regarding market access issues e.g. Part 810, HAF regulations, liability protection  Clean coal  CCUS project development in Xinjiang and Shanxi  CCUS RTM to be funded by USTDA Key Priorities (Long-term) in 2014 B A CD E F  Industrial emission reduction and energy efficiency  Cement work series and demo project on cement manufacturing energy efficiency and emission reduction  DE&CHP solution based project development in industrial parks and cities 2014 Key Priorities (Long-term)  Clean transportation and fuel  Continuous dialogue with NEA on market entry regulations for alternative fuel  Energy financing and investment  City financing workshop  Portfolio development of US- based energy projects for Chinese investment  Shale gas  Development of technology trading platform in collaboration with CIODPA  Major Events  Year-round: continued systematic coordination with the US-China Climate Change Working Group to support ECP and memco initiatives and projects  Early 2H: energy industrial content support the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue  Mid 2H: US industry content support for APEC  Mid and late 2H: industrial content support for bilateral industrial forums including EEF, REIF, ABF  Late 2H: memco and industry advocacy through JCCT  Late 2H: 5 th ECP anniversary