Lets Put An End To Cyberbullying By Derek and David.


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Presentation transcript:

Lets Put An End To Cyberbullying By Derek and David

Rule #1  If you’re getting, bullied don’t respond or you might get in trouble. You should never give out personal information such as your address, and telephone number.

Rule 2  Tell someone if you are getting bullied so it doesn’t happen again. You should tell your parents if a cyberbully is bulling you.

Rule 3  Don’t give out your password to anyone so they won’t be mean or cyberbully on your account.

Rule 4  Block the bully if your in a chat room and join another one. Never send a person your picture or anything else.

Rule 5 Don’t make plans to meet someone online unless you know what they look like and you are friends with them in real life. Maybe you should ask them a few question to them so they can prove you know them. Ask something like do you play sports. Even if you really are their friend, ask your parents first.

References  We found these facts at KidsSmart.org, SakeKids.com and McGruffTheCrimeDog.