Gweithgor Arfer Da Dysgu ac Addysgu: Datblygu Agenda Sgiliau Lleol 10 - 04 – 2008 Sgiliau: Cyd-destun Gogledd Orllewin Cymru Skills: North West Wales Context.


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Presentation transcript:

Gweithgor Arfer Da Dysgu ac Addysgu: Datblygu Agenda Sgiliau Lleol – 2008 Sgiliau: Cyd-destun Gogledd Orllewin Cymru Skills: North West Wales Context Iwan T. Jones Cyfarwyddwr Strategol Datblygu – Cyngor Gwynedd Strategic Director Development – Gwynedd Council

Cefndir a Chyd-destun - Amodau Economaidd a Chyflogaeth / Background and Context - Employment and Economic Conditions: Newidiadau demograffaidd Demographic changes Problemau recriwtio a sgiliau sylfaenol Recruiting and basic skills problems Strwythur economaidd cul Narrow economic base Bwlch cynnydd rhwng GDP yr is-ranbarth a gweddill Cymru Increasing gap between GDP of the sub-region with the rest Wales Twf cyflogaeth (21% ers 1995) Employment growth (21% since 1995) Amrywiaeth sylweddol o fewn yr is-ranbarth Significant difference within the sub-region

Cefndir a Chyd-destun – Yr Her / Background and Context – The Challenge: Gwella ansawdd swyddi / cyflogaeth Improve quality of employment Cyfleon i bobl ifanc Opportunities for young people Targedu cymunedau o angen Target the communities in need Lledaenu twf yn fwy cyfartal Disperse growth more evenly Manteisio ar asedau a chryfderau’r ardal Exploit the area’s strengths and assets Cysylltu amcanion economaidd gyda amcanion hyfforddiant / sgiliau Link economic objectives with training / skills objective

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Pam? / Development Plan for North West Wales – Why?: Cynllun Gofodol Cymru Wales Spatial Plan Gwneud y Cysylltiadau Making the Connections Rhaglen Cyd-gyfeiriant Convergence Programme Angen rhoi gwedd lleol ar y Cynllun Gofodol Need to give a local dimension to the Spatial Plan

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Prif Amcanion / Development Plan for North West Wales – Key Objectives: Adnabod sectorau o’r economi i’w datblygu Identify key sectors to develop Sgiliau Skills Is-adeiledd Infrastructure Cynllun Gofodol i’r Gogledd Orllewin Spatial Plan for the North West Adnabod gwaelodlin a sefydlu targedau Establish a baseline and key targets

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Sectorau / Development Plan for North West Wales – Key Sectors: Cynllun clir i’r sectorau twf / gwerth uchel Clear programme for the growth / high value sectors Manteisio ar adnoddau / arbenigedd y Prifysgolion Exploit opportunities of the Universities resources and expertise Sylw penodol i adnoddau naturiol yr ardal Focus in particular on the area’s natural resources Cyfraniad allweddol y “trydydd sector” Key contribution of the “third sector” Cadwyni cyflwenwi lleol a lleihau colliant o’r economi Local supply chains and reduce expenditure for the economy

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Sectorau / Development Plan for North West Wales – Key Sectors: By 2020 – 85% of employment in the service sector in North West Wales Growth in: Wholesale and Retail 807 (5.5%) Leisure and Tourism1,800 (17%) Knowledge Economy1,350 (22%) Emerging Clusters (22%) (marine / env. Technology / creative sectors) Decline in: Low-tech Manufacturing (20%) Agriculture (26%) Primary and Manufacturing Sectors > decline of 1,700 jobs Service Sector Employment > increase of 8,000 jobs

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Sgiliau / Development Plan for North West Wales – Skills: Gweithredu strategaeth sgiliau i’r ardal Implement a skills strategy for the area Pwyslais ar sgiliau galwedigaethol a sgiliau sylfaenol Emphasis on vocational skills and basic skills Hyrwyddo mentergarwch ymysg pobl ifanc Promote entrepreneurship among young people Sefydlu llwybrau dysgu a gyrfa clir Identify clear learning and career pathways Sylw penodol i’r rhai sy’n economaidd anweithredol Focus in particular on those that are economically inactive Strwythur rheolaethol clir Clear management framework

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Is-Adeiledd / Development Plan for North West Wales – Infrastructure: Gwella ansawdd is-adeiledd TG Improve quality of the ICT infrastructure Ynni adnewyddol Renewable energy Cyflenwad Dwr, Nwy a capasiti carthffosiaeth Water, Gas supply and sewage capacity Gweitrhedu Cynllun Trafnidiaeth Implement the Transport Plan Safleoedd Cyflogaeth Strategol Strategic Employment Sites

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Datblygiad Gofodol / Development Plan for North West Wales – Spatial Plan: Canolfannau Primaidd / Primary Hubs Ardal y Fenai ac Arfordir Gogledd Cymru (Llandudno, Conwy, Bae Colwyn) Menai and North Wales Coast (Llandudno, Conwy, Colwyn Bay) Canolfannau Eilradd / Secondary Hubs Caergybi Holyhead Porthmadog, Pwllheli Canolfannau Lleol / Local Centres Llanrwst, Amlwch, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Abergele, Bala, Dolgellau, Tywyn

Cynllun Datblygu i’r Gogledd Orllewin – Gwaelodlin a Targedau / Development Plan for North West Wales – Baseline and Targets: GVA64% o’r DU (2005) of the UK (2005) 75% o’r DU (2020) of the UK (2020) Diweithdra Tymor Hir (dros 12 mis) Long Term Unemployment (over 12 months) 7.9% yn uwch na gweddill Cymru above rest of Wales 0% (2020) % or boblogaeth oed gwaith gyda cymhwysterau NVQ 3 neu uwch % of total working age population qualified to NVQ 3 or above 46.4% (2006)50% (2020) Bylchau mewn sgiliau generic a adroddir Gaps in generic skills reported - llythrennedd / literacy - rhifedd / numeracy 19% (2003) 18% (2003) 10% (2020) % y newid mewn GVA mewn meysydd diwydiannol penodol % change in GVA by industrial groupings Gwyddoniau’r Amgylchedd / Environmental Sciences Diwydiannau Creadigol / Creative Industries 15% (2006) 20% (2015) 10% (2006) 15% (2015)

Camau Nesaf / Next Steps: Ymgynghori ac ennyn trafodaeth ar y cynllun Consult and generate discussions about the plan Cyhoeddi cynllun busnes a rhaglen waith manwl Publish a business plan and detailed work programme Derbyn cymeradwyaeth Awdurdodau perthnasol Receive the support of relevant Authorities Gosod cyfeiriad i strategaethau eraill Provide direction to other strategies Dogfen i lobio dros yr ardal Document to lobby for the area Gosod agenda ddatblygu clir i’r Gogledd Orllewin? Provide a clear development agenda for the North West?