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Cynllun Polisi Sgiliau Prentisiaethau

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Presentation on theme: "Cynllun Polisi Sgiliau Prentisiaethau"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynllun Polisi Sgiliau Prentisiaethau
Apprenticeship Skills Policy Chris Hare Y Polisi Prentisiaeth Apprenticeship Policy

2 Ffactorau sy’n Sbarduno Newid
Key Drivers O leiaf 100,00 o brentisiaethau Trywydd polisi a osodwyd ym mis Chwefror 2017: ‘Cysoni’r model prentisiaethau ag anghenion economi Cymru’ A minimum of 100,000 apprenticeship places Policy direction set in February 2017: ‘Aligning the apprenticeship model to the needs of the Welsh Economy’

3 Broad Themes within the Policy
Themâu Eang yn y Polisi Prentisiaethau ar gyfer pob oedran Pobl ifanc sy’n gadael yr ysgol Swyddi a Thwf – Sgiliau Lefel Uwch Ansawdd a Meincnodi Mynediad a Chyfle Cyfartal Llwybrau Sgiliau Integredig System newydd ar gyfer cynnwys a arweinir gan gyflogwyr Broad Themes within the Policy All age apprenticeships School leavers Jobs and Growth – Higher Level Skills Quality and Benchmarking Access and Equality of Opportunity Integrated Skills Pathways New employer led system for content

4 Cynllun Gweithredu Byw a Blaengar
Gwella’r bib linell ar gyfer pobl ifanc Cyngor ar Yrfaoedd – meithrin gallu mewn ysgolion a gwella’r ffocws ar brentisiaethau Prentisiaethau Iau Rhowch Gynnig Arni Cystadlaethau Sgiliau Ysgolion Ymgyrch yr Haf - 1,000 o gyfleoedd ar gyfer prentisiaid Live and Progressive Apprenticeship Action Plan Improving the pipeline for young people Careers Advice - increase capacity in schools and improved focus on apprenticeships Junior Apprenticeships Have a Go School Skills Competitions 1,000 apprenticeship places summer campaign

5 Mannau Cychwyn sy’n Fwy Tryloyw
Cyflogwyr – sgiliau’r gweithlu Cyflogwyr – recriwtio Dull Sectorau Unigolion cyflogedig Ysgolion a rhieni More Visible Entry Points Employers - workforce skills Employers - recruiting Sector approaches Employed people Schools and parents

6 Mannau Cychwyn sy’n Fwy Tryloyw (parh.)
Cyrff Cyfryngol Llwybrau datblygu Casgliadau: Unigoledig ac ymatebol More Visible Entry Points (cont.) Intermediary bodies Progression routes Conclusion: Individualised and responsive

7 Cynllun Gweithredu Mecanwaith allweddol ar gyfer swyddi a thwf Yn fwy cydnaws ag anghenion diwydiant, yn benodol ym meysydd STEM Prentisiaethau Gradd Modelau Rhannu Prentisiaethau Apprenticeship Action Plan A key mechanism to drive jobs and growth Better align to industry need, particularly in the STEM areas Degree Apprenticeships Shared Apprenticeship models

8 Cynllun Gweithredu Cynnydd sylweddol mewn nifer o Brentisiaethau Uwch dros y 3 blynedd ddiwethaf Apprenticeship Action Plan Over the last 3 years there has been as significant growth in Higher Apprenticeships

9 Cynllun Gweithredu Creu Bwrdd Cynghori Prentisiaethau newydd Apprenticeship Action Plan The creation of a new Apprenticeship Advisory Board

10 Ymgysylltu â Chyflogwyr Engagement with Employers
Digwyddiadau – Ymgyrch yr Haf, Wythnos Prentisiaethau, Sgiliau Cymru, Digwyddiadau Sector a Gwobrau Prentisiaethau Rhwydwaith Ymgysylltiad Prentisiaethau Pecynnau Cyflogwyr Swyddogion penodedig ar gyfer Cyflogwyr Gwella’r proses cyfeirio drwy Busnes Cymru Engagement with Employers Events – Summer Campaign, Apprenticeship Week, Skills Cymru, Sector Events and Apprenticeship Awards Apprenticeship Engagement Network Employer packs Dedicated Employer Officers Improved referral process via Business Wales

11 Safonau Standards Fframweithiau sy’n canolbwyntio ar gymwysterau
Ategu safonau galwedigaethol cenedlaethol y DU gyfan Rhaglen ‘Safonau a Fframweithiau’ gyda’r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon Meithrin perthynas gadarnhaol gyda Sefydliad y Prentisiaethau i rannu atebion polisi a nodi lle mae tebygrwydd, ee rhwng Safonau Trailblazer a’r Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol Standards Frameworks are qualification focussed Mapped against UK-wide national occupational standards ‘Standards and Frameworks’ programme with Scotland and Northern Ireland Forging a positive relationship with the Institute for Apprenticeships to share policy solutions and identify alignment, e.g. between Trailblazer Standards and NOS

12 Cwestiynau Questions Cyflogwyr Darparwyr Employers Providers
Sut medrwn ni gynyddu nifer y cyflogwyr sy’n cynnig prentisiaethau? Beth yw’r heriau/rhwystrau i gyflogwyr wrth ddefnyddio’r fframweithiau presennol? Ble mae cyfleoedd i ehangu prentisiaethau yng Nghymru? Darparwyr Sut ydych chi’n cyfathrebu â chyflogwyr i sicrhau eich bod yn darparu’r hyn y maen nhw ei eisiau? Questions Employers How can we increase the number of employers delivering apprenticeships? What are the issues / barriers employers have with current frameworks? Where are the opportunities to expand apprenticeships in Wales? Providers How do you engage with employers to ensure that what you are delivering is what they want?


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