Conflict Factors in Africa OMINELO (What is that???)


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Presentation transcript:

Conflict Factors in Africa OMINELO (What is that???)

This graphic shows the distribution of death in the world caused by conflict from the years 1990 and What do you see?

There are seven conflict factors in Africa. For peace in Africa, we need to consider what actions can be taken to end these conflict factors. For peace in Africa, we need to consider what actions can be taken to end these conflict factors. View this video….list the problems you see that could be solved: View this video….list the problems you see that could be solved: dQfIV7SodE dQfIV7SodE dQfIV7SodE dQfIV7SodE

Conflict Factor # 1 : Overpopulation- Sub-Saharan Africa has had huge population increases ________countries of Africa have a population growth rate that is three percent or higher. What does this mean? ________countries of Africa have a population growth rate that is three percent or higher. What does this mean? Population Doubling Time- is the time required for a country’s population to double in size Population Doubling Time- is the time required for a country’s population to double in size How do you calculate doubling time = 70/perc entage growth rate How do you calculate doubling time = 70/perc entage growth rate Calculate the population doubling time for your Sub-Saharan country Calculate the population doubling time for your Sub-Saharan country

When is an area considered “OVERPOPULATED”? An area is overpopulated when the number of people in the area is too great for the area to “carry”. An area is overpopulated when the number of people in the area is too great for the area to “carry”. What would you need to carry? What would you need to carry? When an area’s “CARRYING CAPACITY” is too great it is OVERPOPULATED. When an area’s “CARRYING CAPACITY” is too great it is OVERPOPULATED.

What are the consequences of overpopulation? Hunger Hunger Pollution Pollution CONFLICT!!!!!!!!!!!! CONFLICT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conflict Factor #2: 1. Mono-economy- Most African countries rely on one major product for export. What is the problem? The country’s wealth is determined by the price other countries will pay for this product. What is happening in Sierra Leone? Blood Diamonds-National Geographic

Conflict Factor #3 Industries are Few-Prosperous nations have electronics industries. Most of Africa relies on farming or exporting of natural resources. Industries are Few-Prosperous nations have electronics industries. Most of Africa relies on farming or exporting of natural resources. Here is a new industry in Africa. Here is a new industry in Africa. aTjchttp:// aTjc African Hip Hop aTjc

Conflict Factor #4 Natural forces-Countries who rely on agriculture may be greatly harmed by floods, droughts and pests. Natural forces-Countries who rely on agriculture may be greatly harmed by floods, droughts and pests

Conflict Factor # 5 Education is limited – African literacy rates are between 30 and 60 percent. Male literacy rates are much higher in most African countries. What can we do? h-Winfrey-Leadership-Academy-for-Girls h-Winfrey-Leadership-Academy-for-Girls

Conflict Factor # 6 1. Leadership Problems – Many governments are unstable and/or corrupt

Jr. Scholastic Magazine September 20, 2010 “Africa: Fifty Years of Independence” – pgs Name and explain three scars that the Europeans left for the African people which make it difficult for Africa’s people today. Name and explain three scars that the Europeans left for the African people which make it difficult for Africa’s people today. Name and explain three positive happenings in Africa today that may encourage the continent’s youth hoping for a brighter future. Name and explain three positive happenings in Africa today that may encourage the continent’s youth hoping for a brighter future.

Name and explain three scars that the Europeans left for the African people which make it difficult for Africa’s people today. The new African nation’s borders were the same as those of the colonies. This led enemies within the same country and the separation of tribal groups. The new African nation’s borders were the same as those of the colonies. This led enemies within the same country and the separation of tribal groups. The Europeans left the “Favored Minority” in charge of the government. These were the people during the colonial period as they ran the show for the European powers. The Europeans left the “Favored Minority” in charge of the government. These were the people during the colonial period as they ran the show for the European powers. Many of the new leaders were as unfair as their former European rulers, denying democracy and taking all the resources for themselves. Many of the new leaders were as unfair as their former European rulers, denying democracy and taking all the resources for themselves.

Name and explain three positive happenings in Africa today will encourage the continent’s youth to work for a more prosperous future in Africa. Billions of dollars of foreign investment is coming to Africa to build infrastructure Billions of dollars of foreign investment is coming to Africa to build infrastructure –Roads –Railways –New power grids African cultural ideas are now known and practiced throughout the globe. African cultural ideas are now known and practiced throughout the globe. Democratic governments are forming in Africa. Democratic governments are forming in Africa.

Conflict Factor # 7 Overuse of Agricultural Land - When farmers and herders overuse the land it leads to desertification Ex: The Sahel Region- Ideas for Future Prosperity for Farmers in Africa Qc4YAhttp:// Qc4YA Sahel Qc4YA

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