Thesis Statements Remember these???. What the heck is a thesis again?  Sentence (or two) that tells the reader what the essay is about/what to expect.


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Presentation transcript:

Thesis Statements Remember these???

What the heck is a thesis again?  Sentence (or two) that tells the reader what the essay is about/what to expect  “Tip of triangle” because it is specific!  Should be last sentence(s) of intro. ¶  Theses need “prewriting”  Start basic so you have a clear idea what your paper will be about; formalize it later.  Does more than tell what the paper will be about; it reveals how well it will be written  Sentence (or two) that tells the reader what the essay is about/what to expect  “Tip of triangle” because it is specific!  Should be last sentence(s) of intro. ¶  Theses need “prewriting”  Start basic so you have a clear idea what your paper will be about; formalize it later.  Does more than tell what the paper will be about; it reveals how well it will be written

Elements of a Thesis  3 Main Components:  1: Subject  2: Commentary  Very important & often left out  Theses lacking commentary usually precede entire essays lacking commentary  3: Proof you plan to use to prove thesis  Not always necessary, but helps you stay organized.  Can include without ‘essay mapping’  e.g.- no need to list paragraph topics  3 Main Components:  1: Subject  2: Commentary  Very important & often left out  Theses lacking commentary usually precede entire essays lacking commentary  3: Proof you plan to use to prove thesis  Not always necessary, but helps you stay organized.  Can include without ‘essay mapping’  e.g.- no need to list paragraph topics

Sample Thesis Statement  In his novel, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck examines the crippling effects of sexism in the 1930s through the flawed and damaged character of Curley’s wife.  Subject: sexism  Commentary: crippling effects/flawed & damaged  Proof: Curley’s wife  In his novel, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck examines the crippling effects of sexism in the 1930s through the flawed and damaged character of Curley’s wife.  Subject: sexism  Commentary: crippling effects/flawed & damaged  Proof: Curley’s wife

Flawed Thesis  In his novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck’s characters are extremely lonely.  Does not go beyond stating the obvious  Lacks commentary; thus, it lacks PURPOSE  Will likely lead to a paper that lacks commentary and leans heavily on summary.  In his novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck’s characters are extremely lonely.  Does not go beyond stating the obvious  Lacks commentary; thus, it lacks PURPOSE  Will likely lead to a paper that lacks commentary and leans heavily on summary.