Online Safety Workshop Stephanie Rojas, IMG Krystle Donnelly, IMG Cyndi Backstrom, UNLV OIT.


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Presentation transcript:

Online Safety Workshop Stephanie Rojas, IMG Krystle Donnelly, IMG Cyndi Backstrom, UNLV OIT

Purpose  To review programs and software that may put you and your computer at risk.  Ways to protect your information.

Malware or Badware  In legal terms, known as a “computer contaminant”.  Refers to software intended to gain access to or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent.  Comes in many types of aggressive, invasive, or annoying software or program code

Terms to Know:  Infectious Malware Virus Worms  Greyware Adware Spyware  Phishing

Infectious Malware  Virus- Attaches itself to a program in the computer Runs when the program opens Damages/Changes files  Worm- Takes advantage of unprotected areas in operating systems Makes copies of itself and can spread to other computers on the same network Very commonly written for Windows

Greyware  Adware Files that are packaged with other programs that automatically advertise materials  Spyware Software that takes some control of your computer in order to redirect you somewhere, advertise, or obtain personal information

Adware Example

Phishing  Items such as s and IMs that try to persuade you to give them personal information: passwords, social security numbers, usernames, etc.  Unlimited ways of what they can try to do in order to get your information

Not to do:  Do not click on links from s. Type them in on the address bar.  Do not download files when you are unsure of whom they are from.  Do not give your password to anyone in an . Companies do not ask for passwords via .

Ways to Protect  Close pop-ups.  Be choosy of the websites you visit.  Carefully choose what information you post online about yourself.  Be careful of which websites you choose to shop online from.  Choose passwords that aren’t easily guessable.

How to Get Anti-virus Software  Symantec Anti-virus software is FREE for students. Download it from: antivirus antivirus

Constantly Update Antivirus!  New viruses and malware are constantly being developed.  Download updated anti-virus definitions at least once a week, and ideally every day.  Protect your information!!

What to Do if You Get a Virus o Download the newest anti-virus definitions from the Symantec website, and run a full virus scan. Usually, Symantec will be able to quarantine the infected files. o If the virus is on one of our lab computers, tell the lab manager. o If the virus is on your personal computer and you have difficulty removing it, ask for help from OIT.