Water… who cares!?!? Where do we find Earth’s water?
The importance of Earth’s water Why we should be concerned about water Earth’s water in three forms: Freshwater Oceans glaciers
The Importance of Earth’s Water Over 70% of our planet is covered in water Life on Earth began in water (some 3.6 billion years ago) Over half the world’s population lives within 100km of the ocean Oceans influence our climate (& help stabilize global temperatures) Much of our carbon is stored in these carbon sinks Provide food and habitat to many of Earth’s creatures
Oceans… so who cares!?!?
Our oceans are in crisis. How do we know? Fisheries depleted 25% of Earth’s coral reefs have already been destroyed During the 20 th century, sea levels rose by 15cm This causes an increase in the melting of our glaciers and ice sheets Estimates that our sea levels could rise up to 80cm this century
Freshwater... so who cares!?!?
We drink it! Humans can only survive a few days without water, and we are running out of it! During the 20 th century, population increased 3x but water consumption increased 7x we need roughly 50 litres of water per day Africans use an average of 6 litres/day North Americans use 600 litres/day
The Earth’s freshwater
Glaciers… so who cares!?!?
The cryosphere covers 10% of the Earth’s surface Cryosphere: the part of the planet covered by ice, glaciers, and snow Glaciers are masses of ice that: Extend at least 1 tenth of a square km Originate on land Move
Glaciers… so who cares!?!? Glaciers in the Rockies peaked in 1850 during a “Little Ice Age” Since then, the Rocky Mountain Glaciers have been retreated “up the mountain” Athabasca Glacier, for example, has retreated 1.5km
Athabasca Glacier
Mount Kilimanjaro
We will talk later about: Water contamination & scarcity (the physical geography) Water contamination & scarcity (the human geography) What we are doing about it What we can do about it