PowerPoint 153 Nutrients.


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Presentation transcript:

PowerPoint 153 Nutrients

Nutrients Food contains different substances that are needed for health. These are nutrients, water and fibre. All food and drink provide nutrients. Different types of foods provide nutrients in different amounts.

Nutrients Food is the source of energy for humans. Energy is provided by the nutrients: carbohydrate; protein; fat.

Nutrients Other nutrients are: vitamins, e.g. Vitamin A, Vitamin C; minerals, e.g. iron, calcium. These are needed by the body to keep healthy.

Fibre Some foods also provide fibre. Fibre is not digested by the body, but is needed to keep the gut healthy.

Portion size Different amounts of food provide different amounts of energy and nutrients. The amount of food is known as a portion. We eat different amounts of different types of food.

Functions Protein is needed for growth and repair. Beef burgers Tuna What other foods provide protein?

Functions Carbohydrate provides the main source of energy for the body. Potatoes Pasta What other foods provide carbohydrate?

Functions Fat is needed for health, but in small amounts. Oil Butter What other foods provide fat?

Functions Vitamin A is needed for night vision. Carrots Eggs What other foods provide Vitamin A?

Functions Vitamin C is needed for the maintenance of healthy skin. Orange Kiwi What other foods provide Vitamin C?

Functions Iron is a mineral which is needed for healthy blood. Roast beef Baked beans What other food provides iron?

Functions Calcium is a mineral which is needed for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Milk Cheese What other food provides calcium?

Nutrients Fibre is needed to help keep the gut healthy. Wholemeal bread Baked potato What other foods provide fibre?

The eatwell plate

Fruit and Vegetables This group is one of the main provider of: Vitamin A; Vitamin C; fibre.

Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods This group provides carbohydrate. This is the main source of energy. It also provides fibre.

Milk and dairy foods This is the main group to provide calcium. It also provides Vitamin A.

Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein This is the main group to provide protein. It also provides iron.

Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar This group provides fat and sugar (a form of carbohydrate).

For further information, go to: www.foodafactoflife.org.uk