Workshop for Presidents Special thanks to District Five for the information for this presentation. Altrusa International, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop for Presidents Special thanks to District Five for the information for this presentation. Altrusa International, Inc

Thought For The Day No one ever volunteers to do a bad job.

Now that you are going to be President Oh, my goodness! What did I get myself into! What’s next? What do I have to do? When can I get some help!

Workshop Agenda List of Your Issues Overview of the President’s Job Incoming President’s Checklist Resources Meetings Motivation

What Did I Get Myself Into?

You have agreed to serve a term as your local club president. You will hold the club’s most challenging position. At the same time, the office of the club president offers the most reward as it is the office most able to move the club forward. With the help of the board and individual committee members, you can help the membership attain exciting new service achievements as well as gain greater community recognition for the club. In addition, presidents develop the type of leadership skills that are needed and drawn upon by the District when slating officers and appointing committee chairs and by International when making committee appointments.

Your Responsibilities Assume the leadership role of president. Prepare a written agenda for all club meetings. Preside with enthusiasm at meetings. Express appreciation for club achievements. Follow approved parliamentary procedure. Make sure your club has a strategic plan and that it is being implemented and monitored yearly

Your Responsibilities, cont. Share District and International communications involving members. Share pertinent information from District and International mailings with officers and committee chairs as soon as possible. Oversee the proper functioning of club committees. Sign all membership certificates. Serve as the club’s community representative, attending functions where Altrusa should be represented, or appointing another member to serve as the club’s representative. Chair Board Meetings.

Study the Incoming President’s Guidelines This is available on the International website. (info in appendix to get to site)

What’s Next? Report officers to International and District, if not already done by your current President. Select your committee chairs and report to International and District. Forms are sent to the current President or can be printed from the International website.

Incoming President’s Checklist March Study the Altrusa Encyclopedia and all other publications. Select and appoint committee chairs, except the nominating committee. Meet with the club strategic planning committee to evaluate plan and make necessary changes

Incoming President's Checklist April Plan to attend District Conference and encourage members to attend. Appoint committees early in April. Study the current program issue of the International Altrusan. Conduct club planning session/retreat. Meet with new committee chairs to discuss club goals for the next year. Announce committee appointments and encourage committees to begin meeting.

Incoming President’s Checklist April, cont. Ask committee chairs to meet with committee members in late April to set committee goals based on the club’s strategic plan. Meet with finance committee to begin preparing budget. Give all committee chairs a date to have all requests for funds to the finance committee

Incoming President’s Checklist April, cont Share ideas/wishes for installations with appropriate committee. Make sure Roster for Club Officers and Roster of Committee Chairs is sent to the International Office and your District. Attend Incoming President's Workshop

Most Important Paperwork to Submit Roster of club officers and committee chairs after election of officers By current or out-going President Club visit notification/request form Will get from district visitor Award nominations Usually submitted in February or March List of Conference delegates

Where Can I Get Some Help? Altrusa Websites – International and District Publications from International Office – many are available online A Phone Call to your Immediate Past President A Phone Call to a District Board Member Your Club President Handbook

The Club President’s Handbook 16 Chapters and a Bibliography/Index to help you find your way. This can be viewed electronically on the International website. After logging in, click on the Governor’s tab, then the Club President’s Handbook tab. Copies on CD from International Hard Copies from International

Table of Contents – The Handbook 1.The President 2.Leadership 3.Effective Meetings 4.Planning and Evaluation 5.Altrusa’s Structure 6.The Board of Directors 7.Effective Committees 8.Club Finances

Table of Contents – The Handbook, cont. 9. Membership 10. Image Building 11. Communications 12. Club Visits 13. Files and Reports 14. Awards 15. The Altrusa International Foundations 16. The International Office

Leadership vs. Management Two different skill sets, but you need both Leader: One who has followers, gets things done through others, and has vision Manager: Has subordinates and focuses on day-to-day tasks The distinction between a manager and a leader is as broad as the distance between control and inspiration

What People Say They Want From Leaders Honesty Forward-looking Inspiring Competent Supportive Straight-forward Dependable

Practical Tips Start to Plan Your Club Year – Projects – Meetings dates and places Dates/Places/Tips – Review any dates already set in prior year, such as fundraisers, etc

SMART Planning Specificity: What do you really want to accomplish? Measurability: How will you know if you’ve succeeded? Acceptance: Is your club willing to do this? Realistic: Is your club capable of doing it? Time-bound: When will you do it?

Why Are We Meeting? 1.To communicate information 2.To plan and solve problems 3.To increase buy-in of our activities Our best Altrusa meetings do all 3!

What’s Wrong With Our Meetings? The Survey Says……… Drifting off subject 83% Poor presentation 77% Questionable effectiveness 74% Lack of listening 68% Participants too verbose 62% Length 60% Lack of participation 51%

Agenda Planning All Business meetings have a set format. Develop your agenda around the format: – Minutes from previous meeting – Treasurer’s report – Correspondence – Actions of the Executive Committee – Committee reports – Unfinished business – New business

Agenda Planning, cont. Be as specific as possible – Include actions (votes, sign-ups) Consider included time alotted for each item Distribute BEFORE the meeting – Let members know what they’ll miss if they don’t attend

Chairing a Meeting Club and meeting size is a factor Time is a factor Roberts Rules are still the standard

The #1 Meeting Problem Losing Focus Discussion off agenda item or point of meeting Excessive digressions Lack of participation by some, domination by others Bickering, disrespectful behavior No conclusions or decisions Side conversations

Getting Back on Track Remind purpose of meeting/agenda topic Clarify question on table; summarize discussions Recognize contributions Control disruptive behavior Table items if no decision can be made » Source: Human Resource Growth Partners, 2001

Meeting Problems: Lack of participation Keep meeting focused Encourage quiet members, control excessive talkers Make suggestions, allow silence and listen carefully Reinforce participation Chart group response » Source: Human Resources Growth Partners, 2001

Concluding the Meeting Review progress and decisions Review assignments, due dates, and checkpoints Develop items for next agenda Thank participants » Source: Human Resources Growth Partners, 2001

Motivating Your Members: Involve Them Learn their interests and skills Ask for their opinions and ideas Provide interesting projects Ask them. They may be waiting for an invitation to help! » Source: Human Resources Growth Partners, 2001

Exemplary Presidents Know the “unspoken rules” that will irritate members if not followed. Know what past presidents have done that “wowed” your members Use expertise of past presidents and chairs Welcome new members and guests at events

Exemplary Presidents, cont. Include as many different people as possible in activities: one-time events, and at monthly rituals like leading the pledge and grace. Keep redundancy out of Board and Business Meetings. Delegate tasks and then follow up to see that they have been done. Don’t try to do everything yourself.

Your Issues??

Altrusa Trivia Which is correct? – District Four or District 4? – Altrusa Chapter or Altrusa Club? – Altrusa International or Altrusa International, Inc.? Presiding Officer’s pin gavel placement – Anywhere, above, or below? left or right? Member pin placement – Lapel? – On left side or right? Treasurer’s report – Vote to accept or file for audit?

Questions and Answer Time