 Australia is the six largest country  One of the wealthiest countries.


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Presentation transcript:

 Australia is the six largest country  One of the wealthiest countries

 There are six states and two territories ◦ Six States  New South Wales  Queensland  South Australia  Tasmania  Victoria  Western Australia ◦ Two Territories  Australian Capitol Territory  Northern Territory

 There are 24 Million people in Australia

 Sydney  Melbourne  Brisbane  Perth  Adelaide  Gold Coast -Tweed

 Sydney has the highest population in Australia

 Melbourne has the world’s largest tram network

 Largest economy in Australia

 Perth is known as “City of Light”

 Adelaide has many government and finance buildings

 Popular city to visit in Australia

 Sydney Opera House  Uluru Rock  Great Barrier Reef  Kangaroo Island  Port Arthur  Outback Australia

 Busiest performing art centers in the world

 Large rock formation

 World’s largest coral reef system

 Many animal and nature preserves

 One of the worse massacre in the world

 Remote area of Australia

 The most popular sports in Australia is: ◦ Cricket ◦ Australian Football ◦ Soccer ◦ Rugby ◦ Golf ◦ Rowing

 There are many different types of food in Australia ◦ Vegemite ◦ Boston Bun ◦ Pavlova ◦ Meat Pie ◦ Chinko Roll ◦ Fish and Chips

 Chris Hemsworth  Hugh Jackman  Russell Crowe  Nicole Kidman  Liam Hemsworth