Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice.


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Presentation transcript:

Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice

I. kinds of movies Charlie Chaplin was one of the best silent movie actors. In addition to silent movies, there are still many other kinds of movies.

silent movie 默片 3-D movie 立體電影 horror movie 恐怖片 sound movie 有聲電影 comic movie 喜劇片 tragic movie 悲劇片 detective movie 偵探片 science fiction movie 科幻片 kung-fu movie 武俠片

II. terror, fear, and horror 表「害怕」時, terror, fear 與 horror 同義。但 terror 語氣最強,強調「極 其恐怖」。而 fear 是表「害怕」的常 用語,指「在遇到危險時喪失勇氣、 畏縮不前」。例: Seeing the dog coming toward me, I couldn’t move for fear. 至於 horror 側重「對某種景 象、行為的厭惡或反感」,例: I have a great horror of spiders. Back

Expansion I. The Best Actor/Actress II. Chronology of the Life and Times of Charlie Chaplin III.Charlie Chaplin’s Movies IV.Creative Quotations from Charlie Chaplin

I. The Best Actor/Actress Chaplin was the best actor of silent movies. He did mimicking on the screen. Divide the whole class into groups of 5-6. Each group thinks of a story and writes it down. Afterwards, Group A mimes Group B’s story. Group B mimes Group C’s story, and so on. Finally, the whole class vote to decide the best group and the best actor/actress. Back

II. Chronology of the Life and Times of Charlie Chaplin □ a. He joined a dancing group. □ b.He received a special Academy Award. □ c. He was introduced into the medium of film. □ d.He began to produce his films. □ e. He was denied entry into the U.S. □ f. He spent time writing music and enjoying life with his family. □ g.He moved to Switzerland with his family. □ h.He developed his famous way of acting Back

Writing Practice Sentences with Participial Construction: Review

Pick the error in each sentence and correct it. She being a singer on the variety stage, she was adored by a lot of people. Though she was not an exceptional beauty, she looked divine. (A) (D) (C) (B) Being

Pick the error in each sentence and correct it. With her voice cracking, my mother was very upset. She argued with the stage manager, who, seen me perform before, suggested that I go on in her place. (A) (D) (C) (B) having seen

Pick the error in each sentence and correct it. After having explained a few words to the audience, the manager left me on the stage alone. Then I started to sing, accompanying by the orchestra. (A) (D) (C) (B) accompanied

Pick the error in each sentence and correct it. The laughter of the audience increased, especially when the manager walked off with the money with me anxiously followed him. Then, I did several imitations, including one of Mother singing her Irish march song. (A) (D) (C) (B) following

Pick the error in each sentence and correct it. You sat by the fire, pulled a small boxlike object out of your bag. After extending the antenna, you called your brother, who at that moment was studying at home in New Jersey. (A) (D) (C)(B) pulling

Exercise B: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words given. Use participial construction. 1. John 打電話告訴我們他下星期六要開生 日舞會。 John called us, ________ that he would be having a birthday party next Saturday. (tell) telling us

Exercise B: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words given. Use participial construction. 2. 考試結束了,學生今天可以放鬆一下。 _______________________, the students can relax today. (examination/over) The examination being over

Exercise B: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words given. Use participial construction. 3. 她被這個消息嚇壞了,站在那裡好幾分鐘 什麼話也沒說。 ___________________, she stood there, ____________ for a few minutes. (frighten/say) Frightened by the news saying nothing

Exercise B: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words given. Use participial construction. 4. 希望考上大學,他幾乎每天熬夜準備考試。 ___________________, he stayed up almost every night, _________________. (hope/prepare) Hoping to go to college preparing for exams

Exercise B: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words given. Use participial construction. 5. 她坐在窗邊,眼睛盯著膝蓋上的書。她覺 得越來越累,便上床睡覺。她躺在床上聽 著風聲,漸漸地,她睡著了。 She sat by the window, ____________ ______________ on her lap. _______ _________________, she got into her bed. She lay on the bed, ____________ ____. Gradually, she fell asleep. (eye/fix on; feel/tired; listen to/wind) with her eyes fixed on the book Feeling more and more tired listening to the wind