Electronic media
Package Design Graphic designers are hired to design things for new products – every thing from the shape of the box or packaging the product comes in - to the label that describes the product. For example, the Coca Cola bottle has been copyrighted since 1916 – no other soft drink can be sold in a bottle shaped like the Coke bottle – it’s illegal!
Package Design Once a product, like Sprite or Pepsi, decides on a logo and a ‘branding scheme’, graphic designers are hired to make everything the product needs. For example, a soft drink will need a label for its plastic bottle.
Product Labels – Soft Drink A soft drink label needs to have the following things: The name of the product The name of the company that makes the product Nutritional information Any contest information
Your Project: You will invent a brand new soft drink. You will design a label for this soft drink – What will the colors of your logo and drink label be? Include Nutritional Information – you can use an image from the internet or make one yourself Does your soft drink have a sponsor/contest going on? You can include pictures of a person or an activity on the label. Include a bar code and the amount of fluid ounces (usually 20)
Real Examples Label includes the name of the product, nutrition facts and ingredients, bar code, amount in soda (20 fl oz) and contest information with pictures.
Real Examples Label includes the name of the product, nutrition facts and ingredients, bar code, amount in soda (20 fl oz) and information about the product.
Guidelines for your project Open a new document in Photoshop (or Illustrator if you prefer). Your document needs to Be 2” tall (height) and 9” long (width) Have the new, ORIGINAL name of your product and the fluid oz. Have the nutritional information and a bar code Look professional (try gradients and drop shadows) Include either contest information or additional information about the product me with questions: DUE FRID AY!