People use “Faith” in a multitude of different ways... that one simply believes something will happen w/o any emphasis on Deity. or a “better felt than.


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Presentation transcript:

People use “Faith” in a multitude of different ways... that one simply believes something will happen w/o any emphasis on Deity. or a “better felt than told” sensation which he believes to be “faith.” that God speaks to him either directly or through dreams or visions and that as a result, he has “faith.” Are all of these possible? Are any of these possible?

But if we understand that... Hebrews 11:6 says that one cannot please God without faith, and that Romans 10:17 says that the true source of faith is the word of God, and what passages such as Jude 3; Galatians 1:6-8; and Revelation 22: say about so-called latter-day revelations, then:

Doesn’t it necessarily follow that before one can truly have a faith in God which pleases Him, one must first have faith in the only instructive source of faith He has given us?

True Christians: do not believe in God because they feel something which they cannot explain or give authority for in God’s word. They believe in God because He has revealed Himself to them in words which can be received and accepted in an intelligent manner! Faith in God then, is necessarily preceded by a faith in the Bible as the means by God chose to reveal Himself to humanity.

This lesson deals with 3 aspects of Faith in God’s Word Faith in Its Divinity- that it came from God. Faith in Its Completeness- that we have all that God intended us to have. Faith in Its Authority- that God has the right to rule which He exercises through the Bible.

1. Faith in the Bible as Divine- that it came from God & that He is responsible for its contents. 1Thess.2:13 Paul was thankful for their reception of the message as “the word of God”. 2Tim.3:15-17 Theopnustos: God-breathed; If the scriptures are to accomplish this task, it had better come from God! 1Cor.2:6-13 Through the guarding of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-14), the scriptures were verbally inspired insuring that the will of God was accurately relayed- thus eliminating human error. Proper respect for the Bible is based upon faith that it came from God!

2. Faith in the Bible as Complete- that He gave us words that, when obeyed, accomplish our salvation. If an all-wise God have us His divine Word in order that we might study, learn, understand, and apply it to our lives and be saved, then what sense does it make to assume He let it become incomplete? 1Peter 1:25 Wouldn’t anything less impeach His omnipotence? 2Peter 1:2-4 If He was unable to preserve His Word for future generations of man, then perhaps He would also be unable to fulfill the promises contained therein. Preposterous!

2. Faith in the Bible as Complete- that He gave us words that, when obeyed, accomplish our salvation. “But can I understand it?” Is it accessible to all? Consider the lack of logic involved. What kind of a god would give a plan by which man could be saved in words that were incomprehensible to those intended to receive and benefit from it? -John 8:31-32 To be His disciple one must “abide” in His words. How,if we can’t understand it? -2Thess.1:6-12 Two groups are depicted: 1. those who don’t know; and 2. those who don’t obey the gospel. Now, did He give us a gospel we can understand or didn’t He?

2. Faith in the Bible as Complete- that He gave us words that, when obeyed, accomplish our salvation. “But does it completely supply my needs?” Do I need anything in addition to it? Listen to the Text: Jas.1:21 it is able to save souls Rom.1:16 it is the power of God to salvation Luke 8:11 it is the seed of the kingdom 2Pet.1:3 it contains all things of life & godliness 2Tim.3:16-17 it is able to thoroughly furnish Phil.4:19 it shall supply every need. Now you tell me, what need have we of latter revelations, catechisms, disciplines, or manuals?

3. Faith in the Bible as Authoritative- Authority must be legitimately attained for proper rule. God has that authority by right of creation, Gen.1:27 > Heb.1:1. We must then believe that God has the “right” to command, and that given the preceding information, He exercises that right through His Word, the Bible.

3. Faith in the Bible as Authoritative- God gave Christ Authority in the Spiritual Realm. -Col.1:15-19 it was His good pleasure -Luke 9:35 He said, “Listen to Him” -Matt.28:18 Christ confirms it -John 1:1-14 Christ also created While on Earth, Jesus prepared the Apostles to carry the gospel to the world. -John 14:16-17 He would send the Spirit -John 16:13-15 notice the authority transfer -Acts 1:8 they would receive power w/ Spirit -Acts 2:1-4 what they received- they spoke They spoke/wrote by God’s authority, 1Cor.14:37!

Therefore, to have faith in God, We must first have: 1. Faith in the Word of God as Divine 2. Faith in the Word of God as Complete 3. Faith in the Word of God as Authoritative

Now, Can we learn about God by looking at (the beauties of) His creation? Sure, we can recognize the Creator by His creation, Rom.1: But it is also true that only through intelligent perception of His Word do we learn of His desires and requirements for us. To say, “I feel like I am saved” gives testimony to self- not to God, 1John 2:3. If the Bible is not divine, complete, and authoritative we must not believe it! But if it is these things (and certainly it is) then we have no choice but to obey it!