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If asked this question most people in the United States would probably say yes, but they would not be telling the truth. DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE ?

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Presentation on theme: "If asked this question most people in the United States would probably say yes, but they would not be telling the truth. DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 If asked this question most people in the United States would probably say yes, but they would not be telling the truth. DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE ?

2 Introduction  How can a person prove he believes the Bible?  By obeying it. Acts 5:29; Heb. 5:8-9; 1 Pet. 1:22  How does a person show he does not believe the Bible?  By refusing to obey God. Num. 20:12; 1 Sam. 15:19  Obeying God is better than sacrifice. 1 Sam. 15:22  What will happen to those who disobey God? 2 Thess. 1:7-9

3 Real Bible Believers  There are some character traits of Bible believers.  Let us notice some of them.

4 EXERT A GOOD INFLUENCE  Bible believers are the salt of the earth. Matt. 5:13; Col. 4:6  True believers are the light of the world. Matt. 5:14; 1 Pet. 2:9  Real believers will let their light shine. Matt. 5:16; Eph. 5:8  True believers will be good examples. 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:21

5 CONSIDER OTHER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS  Treat others as you wish to be treated. Luke 6:31  We must show kindness to others. Eph. 4:32; Prov. 31:26  We must love our neighbors. Matt. 22:39; Rom. 13:10  We must love our enemies. Matt. 5:44; Rom. 12:20-21

6 REALIZE MATERIAL THINGS ARE TEMPORARY  Material things will not save us. Mark 8:36-37  Don't be overly concerned with material things. Matt. 6:19-21  The love of money causes evil. 1 Tim. 6:10  Consider the rich man. Matt. 19:21-22  The Goddess Diana brought the Ephesians wealth. Acts 19:24-25  Our affections should be on things above. Col. 3:2

7 HELP SPREAD THE GOSPEL  Jesus said GO. Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15  The gospel saves. Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-2  The gospel was preached to every creature. Col. 1:23  Some pervert the gospel. Gal. 1:6-8; Acts 13:10; 1 John 4:1

8 REBUKE CERTAIN PEOPLE  Rebuke and forgive a brother. Luke 17:5  The apostle Paul rebuked the apostle Peter. Gal. 2:11  Some elders might need rebuking. 1Tim. 5:20  The Lord rebukes those he loves. Rev. 3:19

9 GIVE AS PROSPERED  Give upon the first day of the week as prospered. 1Cor. 16:2  We should give as we purpose. 2 Cor. 9:6- 7  Giving is fair to everyone. 2 Cor. 8:12

10 WITHDRAW FROM THE DISORDERLY  The apostle Paul commands this action. 2 Thess. 3:6  Some people are to be marked. Rom. 16:17-18  Deliver the ungodly to Satan. 1 Cor. 5:4-5; 1 Tim. 1:19-20

11 REFUSE TO LOVE WORLDLY THINGS  Christians shouldn't love the world. 1 John 2:15  Worldly people are God's enemies. James. 4:4  We cannot serve two masters. Matt. 6:24  We're either for Christ or against him. Matt. 12:30

12 CONCLUSION:  If you believe the Bible, these are just some of the things you need to be doing.  If you are not doing them, it is time you started.  Become a Christian  Become a faithful Christian,  Repent when necessary  Dedicate yourself to God from now on.

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