Hypertension and Nutrition Haley Aimone What Is HYPERTENSION Chronic medical condition Blood pressure in arteries are elevated Can lead to heart disease,


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Presentation transcript:

Hypertension and Nutrition Haley Aimone

What Is HYPERTENSION Chronic medical condition Blood pressure in arteries are elevated Can lead to heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, heart failure, and more It is also known as high blood pressure

Risk Factors Age Race Family History Being overweight Not being physically active Tobacco use or excessive alcohol consumption High sodium intake or Low potassium intake Stress

What’s Blood Pressure? “Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.”

Blood Pressure Levels 120/80 Normal 120/ /89 Prehypertension 140/90+ hypertension

Symptoms Severe headache Fatigue or confusion Vision problems Chest pain Difficulty breathing Irregular heartbeat Blood in the urine Pounding in your chest, neck, or ears

“Silent Killer” Although it has symptoms, high blood pressure is also called "the silent killer" because it often causes no symptoms until it finally damages certain critical organs.

Preventions Stay a healthy weight Exercise! Eat heart-healthy foods Reduce salt intake Cut-down on drinking

Hypertension Diets Lean meat Potatoes and plain rice Skinless chicken and turkey Skim or 1% milk Fruits and vegetables Whole wheat breads, English muffins, bagels Whole wheat pastas Low Sodium Foods

What Not to Eat Butter and margarine Fatty Meats Whole milk products Fast food, deli meats Fried foods Salted snacks ex: Pretzels, cheese-its Canned soups Regular salad dressings

. D

Hypertension Complications Stroke Heart Attacks or Heart Failure Chronic Kidney Disease Metabolic Syndrome Aneurysm

Antihypertensive Medications ACE Inhibitors ARB Drugs Beta-blockers Diuretics Calcium Channel Blockers Alpha Blockers Peripheral Vasodilators

American Heart Association Estimates that 1 in 3 adults suffer from hypertension 73,000,000 people suffer 2,000,000 teenagers and children suffer the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that many are underdiagnosed. Hypertension is clearly a major public health problem.

Therapy Goal of Hypertension A physicians goal should be to bring blood pressure below 140/85 in the general population.


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