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Hypertension By: Nature.

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1 Hypertension By: Nature

2 Instructions Describe the disorder or disease: Slide 6: Sources /2
Slide 1:Title of disease/disorder /1 Slide 2: Creativity of slides /2 What is it? /3 How is it caused? / OUT OF 30 Picture of disease/disorder /3 Slide 3: What are the symptoms? /2 What is the treatment? /2 Can it affect everyone? /2 Slide 4: Which system does it affect? /1 Which organs in the system does it affect? /1 Does it affect more than just the system you chose (eg: lung cancer affects the respiratory system but can also affect the circulatory system) /2 Slide 5 Describe the function of the affected body system (from slide 4) /3 List the organs involved with this system /2 Picture of the body system /2

3 What is Hypertension Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. This is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. High blood pressure is caused from: Age: as you get older your chances increase Amount of salt in your food Lack of exercise Being overweight or obese Family history of high blood pressure Having African or Caribbean origin

4 What are the Symptoms and Treatments
Apparently there are often no symptoms that is why it is called the silent killer. However if your blood pressure is extremely high then there will be certain symptoms like: severe headaches, fatigue or confusion, vision problems, chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, blood in urine, and pounding in your chest neck and ears. Some things doctors recommend you to do when treating hypertension is to get regular physical exercise and reduce any stress that you have. Medications are also given to people with hypertension higher than 90 and 140.

5 Which System does it Affect
Hypertension can affects the circulatory system. In the circulatory system the arteries are affected. Hypertension can also affect other body systems like the excretory, and the nervous system.

6 The Affected Body System
The circulatory system function is to transport oxygen, food, other substances throughout the body. Transport waste to other organs to get rid of it. Also defend the body against diseases. The structures in this body system are the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries and blood.

7 Sources

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