IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Don’t you think the world would be more beautiful if it looked more like this? How can we change what our.


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Presentation transcript:

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Don’t you think the world would be more beautiful if it looked more like this? How can we change what our world looks like? What can you, as a mathematician, do to help? Using the information we have learned about graphs this week and by conducting research and analyzing data, you might just be able to find some answers! If you need any assistance, I can be reached at:

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Working with a partner, your task will be to conduct research about our environment and how our local community contributes towards saving and wasting resources. You will be required to create a survey, have people complete the survey, and then present all your findings on different graphs in either a PowerPoint presentation or on a poster. *You may want to check your rubric before you begin.rubric

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 1 Before you begin creating your own survey, each of you will take a quiz to discover your ecological footprint and to familiarize yourself with some environmentally friendly practices.ecological footprint Click here to take the quiz!

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 1 Before you begin creating your own survey, each of you will take a quiz to discover your ecological footprint and to familiarize yourself with some environmentally friendly practices.ecological footprint Click here to take the quiz! The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 2 Now that you have completed the quiz, time to create your survey. The survey will be about how people use or disuse the environment and its resources. Here are some examples of questions you might ask: Do you keep the water on when you brush your teeth? Do you recycle? How much and what? Do you often drive in the car by yourself?

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 2 – Creating the Survey You must come up with questions that will be included on your survey. Use what you have learned from the ecological footprint quiz and any other resources you may have to come up with these questions. You will use SurveyMonkey, a free online resource, to create the survey. This will allow you to the link to family and friends or post it to social networking sites.SurveyMonkey Also, so that everyone in the class can see your work, a link to your survey must be posted to our

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 3 Once you have at least 20 completed surveys you are ready to compute your data. You will need to organize your data into categories based on the different types of questions you asked on your survey. This step is not necessary to turn in but you will need to continue your assignment.

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 4 With your categorized data, you will organize it into two of the four following graphs: SCATTERPLOT HISTOGRAM BAR GRAPH STEM AND LEAF DISPLAY ?

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Did you forget what these graphs are? If you are having trouble remembering the differences between the graphs, how to create them, or just want some extra examples of the graphs, the following links might be helpful. Stem and Leaf Bar Graph Histograms vs. Bar Graphs Scatterplot

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Step 5 The graphs that you have constructed will need to be put into either a PowerPoint presentation or on a poster. Along with the graphs, these presentations should include other information such as the results of your ecological footprint quiz and suggestions to your community on how to reduce their own ecological footprints. You should include a conclusion that you have reached from your survey and research. Creativity is highly encouraged in these presentations. Each pair will present their PowerPoint or poster to the class as a whole on November 23. Both of you must speak during your presentation and it should last two to five minutes.

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion

IntroductionTaskProcess Evaluation Conclusion Now that you have completed this project, you have become familiar with your community’s environmental practices and you have learned how your knowledge of statistics can be applied to the world around you. Are you more compelled now to recycle? Would you like to learn more about how you can go green? The following video clip may give you some more tips on how to be more environmentally friendly.