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Process Move through this Power Point task by task.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Move through this Power Point task by task."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Move through this Power Point task by task.

2 Task 1 – Get into Groups You will be randomly put into groups. Be happy with your group members! Each group will take on a role. Your job is to research about one specific human impact – Choose from: Air Pollution Master: research how human’s create air pollution Water Pollution Master: research how human’s create water pollution Land Pollution Master: research how human’s create land pollution

3 Task 2 - Research & Check In 1 Use the handout to complete the research on your human impact. – Focus on the 3 Earth Day Questions How do humans impact the environment? How can we keep the environment clean? Why is it important to keep the environment clean? Use the next slide for links to websites to use for your research Remember to use the checklist to make sure you have included everything before your group’s check in. Your group will meet with me to review and briefly discuss your research before you start task 3.

4 Internet Tools to Use for Research Resource titleURL Official Earth Day Website The 3 R’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Earth Day Youtube Video Safe Search Kids (Google) Kid Rex (search engine) United States Environment Protection Agency Starfall Shepard Software earthday_home.htm Encyclopedia Britannica -Day Planet Pals Time for Kids Live Science

5 Task 3 – Organize Your Information & Check In 2 Use an organization tool chosen by the whole group to organize all of your research. This will be used to guide your classroom presentation. Possible organization tools to help: Concept Map Bulleted Points Notecards Paragraphs – Blank templates are under more then under handouts Turn in your group’s organization tool and task 3 checklist. I will check both before we review them together. – You will also receive your presentation rubrics

6 Task 4 - Present Groups will have 10 minutes to practice before presentations begin. Your group will do a 5-7 minute presentation to share your research. Each group member is responsible for their own information. You will receive group and individual rubrics and scores. All groups received their rubrics during check in 2. Be able to answer the 3 Earth Day questions: How do humans impact the environment? How can we keep the environment clean? Why is it important to keep the environment clean?

7 Task 5 – Final Product & Check In 3 Choose which final product you want to create as a group: FLYER IN THE COMMUNITY PAPER or POSTER TO HANG IN THE SCHOOL Create a rough draft on a piece of blank paper – turn in for review and make necessary changes Before your group is 100% done, use the Final Product Checklist to make sure you have included everything you need Done? Here’s what to do next… – POSTER – post in designated posting areas – FLYER – put into designated envelope (delivered to paper on the Friday)

8 Task 6 – Class Clean Up On Earth Day, we will all work together to clean up the hallways and playground.

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