Computer Science Accreditation/Assessment Issues Bolek Mikolajczak UMass Dartmouth, CIS Department Chair IT Forum, Framingham, MA January 10, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Computer Science Accreditation/Assessment Issues Bolek Mikolajczak UMass Dartmouth, CIS Department Chair IT Forum, Framingham, MA January 10, 2006

Program Objectives The Computer Science (CS) program objectives act as a barometer to measure the health of the program and act as an indicator of the skill sets a successful CS graduate will possess upon graduation and beyond. The CS program outcomes were developed from the Departmental mission statement and the program goals through a process involving input from the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, the Program Assessment Committee and the Computer Science Industrial Advisory Committee (CSIAC). With the approved CS program outcomes, the Program Assessment Committee requested each instructor to generate a questionnaire and syllabi indicating which CS program outcomes each course addressed or assessed. Course coordinators of required courses in the undergraduate CS curriculum developed ABET compliant syllabi that included course outcomes and a mapping of the course outcomes to the program outcomes. The CIS Department Program Assessment Committee reviewed these syllabi.

Computer Science Program Goals A. Graduates who succeed as practicing computer scientists B. Graduates who succeed in advanced study in computer science C. Graduates who adapt and evolve in complex technological environments such as those found in the workplace D. Graduates who influence the development of professional, ethical and legal aspects of computing

Computer Science Program Outcomes (also called Program Objectives) CIS Department seeks to produce graduates who: 1).are able to individually solve problems in algorithmic manner with given computer resources and constraints 2).apply their knowledge of mathematics, science and computer science to solve technical problems 3).apply analytic and empirical techniques to evaluate technical problems and their solutions 4).design system, component, or process to meet specified requirements 5).participate as a member of a problem solving team

Computer Science Program Outcomes (also called Program Objectives) 6).identify, formulate, and solve problems encountered when constructing solutions involving information technology 7).articulate the social, professional, ethical and legal aspects of a computing milieu 8).evaluate the impact of computing and information technology at the global/societal level 9).analyze contemporary issues related to the evolving discipline of computer science 10). communicate effectively (needs to be understood as involving both oral and written form, including choosing and using the appropriate representations and/or media) 11). apply modern skills, techniques, and tools during professional practice.

Implementation of Objectives

Assessment Tools

Senior Survey 1. course characteristics (frequency of tasks performed such as algorithmic problem solving, writing reports, working in teams etc), 2. each required courses’ contribution to the program objective, 3. student attitudes, 4. student habits, 5. student self-assessment, 6. events (participation in activities related to computer science), 7. faculty advising.

Computer Science Industrial Advisory Committee 1. To bring to the CIS Department the points of view and needs of the computer and other related industries, other educational institutions, the government, and the professions. 2. To help maintain a close relationship between the Department and the computer and other related industries, other educational institutions, the government and the professions. 3. To afford the instructing staff and the students expert comments on and appraisal of current and proposed programs. 4. To offer assistance to the Department to further the goals of the Department. 5. To submit recommendations to the Department for consideration.

References ABET Computing Accreditation Criteria ABET Computing Self-Study Questionnaire - Computer Science Curricula 2001 ACM ( UMass Dartmouth, Computer and Information Science Department, ABET Self-study document, 2004