人文學資源報告 第七組 圖資二 范雲清 圖資二 黃浩雲 圖資二 黃彥翰 圖資二 藍毅頎 圖資二 林泰宇 圖資二 李明峰.


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Presentation transcript:

人文學資源報告 第七組 圖資二 范雲清 圖資二 黃浩雲 圖資二 黃彥翰 圖資二 藍毅頎 圖資二 林泰宇 圖資二 李明峰

User instruction issues for databases in the Humanities Saule, Mara R. Library Trends 40 (1992): Library Trends 40 (1992):

ABSTRACT 摘要 In order to teach humanists how to search effectively the variety of information technologies available to them, librarians should reassess traditional instruction techniques. In order to teach humanists how to search effectively the variety of information technologies available to them, librarians should reassess traditional instruction techniques. 為了教人道主義者怎麼有效地搜尋資訊技術品種可利用對 他們, 圖書管理員應該再評價傳統指示技術。 為了教人道主義者怎麼有效地搜尋資訊技術品種可利用對 他們, 圖書管理員應該再評價傳統指示技術。

INTRODUCTION 介紹 Bibliographic instruction for humanities scholars and students was fairly straightforward Bibliographic instruction for humanities scholars and students was fairly straightforward 書目指示為人文學科學者和學生是相當直接的 書目指示為人文學科學者和學生是相當直接的

INTRODUCTION 介紹 A special challenges A special challenges new publishing and information technologies new publishing and information technologies instructional programs to be most effective instructional programs to be most effective

The difference in the humanities 在人文學科上的區別

Attitudes toward technology 對於技術的態度

What To Teach Humanists Establishing Need( 建立需求 ) Establishing Need( 建立需求 ) Concept And Skills( 觀念和技巧 ) Concept And Skills( 觀念和技巧 ) Key Concept( 重要觀念 ) Key Concept( 重要觀念 ) Search Strategy( 搜尋計畫 ) Search Strategy( 搜尋計畫 ) Searching Skills( 搜尋技巧 ) Searching Skills( 搜尋技巧 )

Establishing Need Educating humanists about which databases are available in their field, including special attention to type of material contained in the databases and range of years covered, can help to overcome of concerns about database content that humanists express. Educating humanists about which databases are available in their field, including special attention to type of material contained in the databases and range of years covered, can help to overcome of concerns about database content that humanists express.

Concept And Skills Giving scholars this conceptual framework provides the basis for understanding any database or any computerized information retrieval system. Giving scholars this conceptual framework provides the basis for understanding any database or any computerized information retrieval system.

Key Concept The humanist can place computing in a historical context and set the philosophical basis for learning more about computer use. The humanist can place computing in a historical context and set the philosophical basis for learning more about computer use. A searcher also needs to understand how a database is constructed and how it might parallel a familiar printed source A searcher also needs to understand how a database is constructed and how it might parallel a familiar printed source

Search Strategy Humanist researchers should be encourage to construct a careful search strategy. Humanist researchers should be encourage to construct a careful search strategy. The librarian should spend ample time teaching the humanist how to match the research need with the appropriate databases. The librarian should spend ample time teaching the humanist how to match the research need with the appropriate databases.

Searching Skills In addition to system-specific and technical searching skills, humanists also have expressed a desire to learn other types of computing skills, such as the use of computer graphics and statistical packages. In addition to system-specific and technical searching skills, humanists also have expressed a desire to learn other types of computing skills, such as the use of computer graphics and statistical packages.

How To Teach Humanists Cost Cost The Personal Approach The Personal Approach Demonstrations Demonstrations Formal Sessions Formal Sessions Language Language

Cost Several librarians have pointed out that the immediate obstacle to the use of computerized databases by humanists is that of cost. Several librarians have pointed out that the immediate obstacle to the use of computerized databases by humanists is that of cost.

Demonstrations Stebelman also highlights the need for personal and persistent marketing techniques to attract humanists to computerized database searching and to instructional sessions. Stebelman also highlights the need for personal and persistent marketing techniques to attract humanists to computerized database searching and to instructional sessions.

Conclusion In many respects, the odds are against librarians trying to teach humanistic scholars and students how to use computerized database. In many respects, the odds are against librarians trying to teach humanistic scholars and students how to use computerized database.