How to Make a Good Pie Julia Child Style Kristen Hess.


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Presentation transcript:

How to Make a Good Pie Julia Child Style Kristen Hess

Find the Right Recipe Use The Internet Google Recipe Books by Julia Child 2002 Edition Make it up yourself!

Effective Pie Ingredients Bake It in an Oven Use a maximum of 4 cups of insides Julia Child Sprinkles Sugar on all of her pies

Cooking Tips  Never use chestnuts: Julia had a bad experience with them as a child on her farm  Never put 5 in the oven at once: Julia had another bad experience involving her hair  Take out the pies when they are golden brown on top  Don’t cook pies over 500 degrees  Never be afraid to try new ingredients

Pie Success Cook Books% Julia Child % Iron Chef4% Eat Light3% Fast Food Now2% Random Church1%

Cooking Resources Find & Buy Julia Child’s 2002 Recipe Book Online! Google Altavista Dogpile Yahoo Excite DejaNews Watch out for bugs in the pie!

Website resources Google Altavista Dogpile Yahoo Excite DejaNews Watch out for viruses!