French 1 Review, Aller, et Time


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Presentation transcript:

French 1 Review, Aller, et Time Le 15 octobre 2013 French 1 Review, Aller, et Time

French 1 Warm UP What have you learned so far in this class ?

Review Subject Pronouns Je = I Tu = You Il = He Elle = She On = One, We (informal) Nous = We Vous = Y'all Ils = They (Masc./Mixed Group) Elles = They (Group of Women)

Review (-ER Verb Endings) Drop the -er from the infinitive Keep what is left over (your stem) for all subjects Add the following endings : Je = -e Tu = -es Il/Elle/On = -e Nous = -ons Vous = -ez Ils/Elles = -ent

-ER Verb Conjugation Example Parler = to speak Parl = stem Je parle = I speak. Tu parles = You speak. Il/Elle/On parle = He/She/One speaks. Nous parlons = We speak. Vous parlez = Y'all speak. Ils/Elles parlent. = They speak.

Numbers 1 - 20 Un = 1 Deux = 2 Trois = 3 Quatre = 4 Cinq = 5 Six = 6 Sept = 7 Huit = 8 Neuf = 9 Dix = 10 Onze = 11 Douze = 12 Treize = 13 Quatorze = 14 Quinze = 15 Seize = 16 Dix-Sept = 17 Dix-Huit = 18 Dix-Neuf = 19 Vingt = 20

Aller = To Go The only irregular -ER verb Je vais. = I go Tu vas. = You go. Il/Elle/On va. = He/She/One goes. Nous allons. = We go. Vous allez. = Y'all go. Ils/Elles vont. = They go.

Uses for Aller To indicate that someone is going somewhere. Je vais à l’école = I go to school. It can also be used to tell someone how you are doing. Je vais bien. = I'm doing well. Je ne vais pas bien. = I'm not doing well. Comment vas-tu ? = How are you doing ?

Places Le café = the café L’école = school Chez moi = my home Il va au café. = He goes to the café L’école = school Tu vas à l’école Chez moi = my home Je vais chez moi. = I go home. Le fast food = a fast food restaurant Nous allons au fast food. = We go to the fast food restaurant. La boite = the dance club Elles vont en boite. = They go to the dance club.

You Tube Videos for Aller The following YouTube videos are songs that will help you to remember the conjugations for aller. Pink Panther Song Aller song by Etienne

Time Quelle heure-est il ? = What time is it ? Il est ______ heure(s). = It is _____ o'clock. 10 o'clock = Il est dix heures. In France, they use a 24 hour system, but we are going to just use the 12 hour system for now. To represent the time in numerical form, we use « h » for the hour. 10:00 = 10h00.

Announcements We are having a test on Friday that will cover the activities from Unité 2 & -ER verbs. If you made below a 70 or you are not happy with your grade on your quiz and/or on the Unité 2 packet, you need to do corrections.