Words for Production 1. sweep [ swip ] vt. to be or move in a curve across (an area) 綿亙 The waves sweep across the ocean from Japan to California.


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production 1. sweep [ swip ] vt. to be or move in a curve across (an area) 綿亙 The waves sweep across the ocean from Japan to California.

Words for Production 2. flat [ fl8t ] adj. smooth and level 平坦的 Find me something flat to write on.

Words for Production 3. adornment [ 1`dOrnm1nt ] n. [U][C] act of making something more beautiful by adding something else to it; an ornament 裝飾;裝飾品 He doesn’t care for personal adornment, preferring instead to spend money making his house more comfortable. 詞類變化 * adornment = ornament 裝飾品 * care for = like * prefer to 動詞 A rather than 動詞 B 寧願 A 而不願 B

adorn [ 1`dOrn ] vt. 裝飾 The Christmas tree is adorned with silver stars and some golden bells. *gold (adj) 金質的 golden (adj) 金色的

Words for Production 4. mist [ mIst ] n. [U][C] (an area of) cloud of very small drops of water floating in the air, near or reaching to the ground; thin fog 薄霧 Our flight was called off because a thick mist made flying impossible. * call off = cancel * 不完全及物動詞 + 受詞 + 受詞補語

Words for Production 5. marvelous [ `mArvL1s ] adj. wonderful; surprisingly good 絕妙 的,極好的 What marvelous weather! Let’s go on a picnic. * 感嘆句句型 : What (a) (Adj) it is ! * go on a picnic 去野餐

Words for Production 6. extend [ Ik`stEnd ] vt. to make longer or larger 延伸,擴展 Tom extended the telescope ( 望遠鏡 ) to its full length. 詞類變化

extension [ Ik`stEnS1n ] n. [U][C] 延伸 ( 部分 ) ,擴展 ( 部分 ) Their dinner table has an extension so more people can be seated.

Words for Production 7. far-fetched [ `fAr`fEtSt ] adj. difficult to believe 難以置信的 Andy told his teacher that his dog had eaten his homework so he couldn’t hand it in on time. What a far-fetched excuse! * Adv-p.p. 為併合形容詞 * hand in 繳交 * on time = punctually 準時地

Words for Production 8. satellite [ `s8tL&aIt ] n. [C] a man-made object which is around a planet 衛星 With satellites, people nowadays can watch football games held thousands of miles away. * man-made = artificial 人造的

Words for Production 9. universally [ &jun1`v3s1lI ] adv. by everyone or in every case 普遍地 English is universally recognized as an international language. 詞類變化 * international language 國際語言

universal [ &jun1`v3sL ] adj. 普遍的;共同的 The environment is a universal concern.

universe [ `jun1&v3s ] n. [U] 宇宙 In the early times, people thought that the earth was the center of the universe.

Words for Production 10. available [ 1`vel1bL ] adj. able to be got, used, or seen 可得到 的;可使用的 Such excellent concerts are seldom available to us.

Words for Production 11. step [ stEp ] n. [C] one of a series of actions that one takes in order to achieve something ( 邁向成功等的 ) 一步 I am not satisfied with my present work and wish to take steps to improve it. 詞類變化 * a series of 一連串 * take actions 採取行動 take steps 採取步驟 * be satisfied with 對 … 滿意

step [ stEp ] vi. 行走;踏 Here comes the train. Please step back and stay behind the yellow line. * Here come(s) There go(es) N. Here There pron. come(s) go(es).

Words for Production 12. further [ `f3D2 ] adv. to a greater degree or extent 進一步地 This road is very dangerous. We’d better not go any further. 詞類變化 * had better + 原型動詞 最好 … had better not + 原型動詞 最好不 …

further [ `f3D2 ] adj. 進一步的,更多的 For further information, please get in contact with us. * get in contact with 和 … 接觸

further [ `f3D2 ] vt. 促進 We should try our best to further the cause of world peace. * try / do one’s best 盡力 …

Words for Production 13. mobile [ `mobIl ] adj. able to move freely or be moved easily from place to place 可移動的; 機動的 The mobile phone is more and more popular and becomes a necessity of life for modern people. *mobile phone = cell phone = hand phone 行動電話

Words for Production 14. wire [ waIr ] n. [C] a piece of thin metal that is used to carry electricity from one place to another 電線 Electricity travels through wires. If you touch them, you may get a shock. 詞類變化

wire [ waIr ] vt. 給 … 裝電線 Once they wire our new house, we will move in.

Words for Production 15. dial [ `daI1l ] n. [C] the buttons on a telephone which one presses in order to call someone 撥號盤 The phone with a big round dial is old-fashioned. It is commonly believed that the smaller the phone is, the cooler it looks. 詞類變化 * Adj-Ned 為併合形容詞

dial [ `daI1l ] vt. 撥號 Once he saw a bank robber on the street and dialed 110 to inform the police.

Words for Production 16. panel [ `p8nL ] n. [C] a board on which controls or instruments of various kinds are fastened 操縱板,面板 Because they failed to recognize the warning signs on their control panel, they were blamed for the train accident. * fail to + V 未能 …

Words for Production 17. fit [ fIt ] vi. to be the right size or shape (for) 合 適,合身 Because the door fits badly, they leave it open all the time. 詞類變化

fit [ fIt ] adj. 合適的 The old man is over 70 now and is only fit for gardening.

1. Land Rover [ `l8nd `rov2 ] n. 休旅車名 Words for Recognition

2. rutted [ `r^tId ] adj. having lots of deep narrow tracks left by wheels 滿是車痕的 Words for Recognition

3. Kenya [ `kEnj1 ] n. the name of a country in Africa 肯亞 Words for Recognition

4. antenna [ 8n`tEn1 ] n. [C] a wire for sending or receiving radio waves 天線 Words for Recognition

5. New Jersey [ nju `dZ3zI ] n. an eastern state in the USA ( 美國 ) 紐澤西州 Words for Recognition

1. set up to raise into position 搭 ( 帳篷 ) ,架設 There is a sign set up by the river, which says “No swimming.” Idioms and Phrases * No + Ving ! 禁止 … No swimming ! No parking ! No spitting !

2. to say the least in a situation which is actually much more extreme or serious than one says it is 至少可以說 John’s action was unfriendly, to say the least. We were all very disappointed. Idioms and Phrases

3. have come a long way to have developed or changed a lot 改 變很大 Information technology has come a long way in the last 10 years. Idioms and Phrases * information technology 資訊科技

4. make (phone) calls to call 打電話 With a global phone in hand, you can make calls anywhere in the world. Idioms and Phrases * global phone = satellite phone 衛星電話