Autism Strategy Action plan A B&NES plan for 2013/14 what we are doing to implement the Autism strategy next 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Autism Strategy Action plan A B&NES plan for 2013/14 what we are doing to implement the Autism strategy next 1

We have been asked to let people know what are the 5 most important things we will do this year to improve services for adults with autism. This plan also tells you about the other things the Autism Partnership group will be doing in 2013/14, based around the 5 themes of the Bath and North East Somerset Autism strategy next 2

Top priorities for this year. We will… Set up a local assessment and diagnostic service and make it easier for people living in B&NES to access this Provide a range of local training to help develop local awareness, knowledge and skills to support people with autism Set up an Information and Advice service for adults with autism and those who support them Increase the amount of social work time available to support adults with autism Reduce isolation for adults with autism 3

1Improve information about the population of people with autism in B&NES next 4

We need to be sure that we know who has autism in B&NES, and make sure that this information is accurately recorded We will continue to do this using Council records next 5

We need to identify children with autism who have complex needs (including behaviour that may challenge services) and are likely to need support from social services (adult care) in the future next We will record via Statement of Need and complete annual audit in Sept 2013 with representatives of children’s and adult care 6

We need to ensure that young people moving into adulthood have person- centred transition plans next We are implementing a B&NES transition pathway including use of one page profiles and My Future My Choice – we will check this is being used for young people with Autism 7

2Increasing awareness and understanding next 8

We need to develop training for professionals that will be appropriate and proportionate dependent on their level of responsibility next We will commission specialist training and supervision from the Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (BASS) and check who attends 9

3Develop a clear, consistent pathway for diagnosis across Bath and North East Somerset next 10

We need to provide a full diagnostic and assessment service that people can access locally and quickly next We will commission a local service for residents of Bath and North East Somerset from BASS - to commence in September and make sure this is well publicised 11

We need to ensure that all adults with a diagnosis of autism have prompt access to a community care assessment next We will set up protocols for joint working between BASS and Sirona Autism social workers by October

We need to develop and/or adopt a model referral and care pathway for local commissioners /providers next A Sirona specification for provision of an Autism Social Work service is in place 13

We need to improve how we provide information to adults with autism and their family or carers at the point of diagnosis and after next We will commission B&NES Autism Information and Advice service from BASS and make sure this is well publicised 14

4Improving access for adults with autism to the services and support they need to live independently within the community next 15

We need to ensure that everyone who has the potential to live more independently is given the chance to do so next This is ongoing through existing model of assessment. We will identify those young people moving into adulthood who require residential support in the future 16

We need to continue to review people’s care (often for complex needs and/or requiring a secure facility) in out of county residential placements with a view to understanding whether more local services can be (jointly) commissioned to meet their needs next We will do this via the annual review process 17

We need to work with local and national providers, and with families and people with autism, to develop a range of housing options next We will meet regularly with providers and the Council Housing team to ensure access to housing; and we will support people with autism to use the Council Homesearch register 18

We need to support people to use personal budgets, and to have the right information about how to get the services they want and need next Any adult who is receiving social services and not living in registered care will receive a personal budget. Adults with autism are supported by Sirona Autism Service social workers who will provide information and advice about using a personal budget 19

We need to make sure that people understand and use the Mental Capacity Act properly for people who may lack capacity to make a decision, considering best interests decision making and appointment of an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) next We check this during annual reviews and provide training to all staff 20

5Helping adults with autism into work next 21

We need to collect local information that shows how many people with autism are, or would like to be, in paid or voluntary work next We will collect via Council review processes and work on a local employment plan to be ready by April

Enabling local partners to plan and develop appropriate services for adults with autism to meet identified needs and priorities next 23

We need to ensure that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) includes information on the needs of people with autism next The current JSNA includes information about the needs of people with Autism, and we will review and update the JSNA before end 2013/14 24

Advocacy next 25

We need to better understand how people with autism can access advocacy services next We will map demand for advocacy service amongst people with autism during 2013/14 26

Criminal Justice System next 27

We need to ensure adults with autism have access to an ‘appropriate adult’ to facilitate communication and understanding between the person with autism and police. This will protect the rights, welfare and safeguarding of the person with autism who may be vulnerable next We will review local application of appropriate adult procedures with representatives of the criminal justice system 28

We need to invite representation from the criminal justice system on to the Autism Partnership group next We will do this by the autumn of

We need to find ways to collect information about the number and needs of people with autism in contact with the criminal justice system next We will build on existing similar system for adults with LD - establish protocol with forensic locality team, Court Assessment and Referral service and others 30

We need to operate within the regional framework of the Specialised Services Commissioning group for people who need specialised (Tier 40 services) next This is ongoing 31

Health and wellbeing next 32

We need to ensure health professionals have a better awareness of people with autism next We will promote access to training commissioned from BASS 33

We need to ensure reasonable adjustments are made to improve patient experience in primary and secondary care settings next We will review current practices within the RUH and a sample of primary care services. We will find ways of collecting feedback from patients with autism who are admitted to hospital 34

We need to develop and expand the capacity of local services to understand and respond to the needs of people with challenging behaviour next We have service agreements in place with the Sirona complex health needs team and with AWP 35

We need to ensure that any restrictions or restraints are compliant with the Mental Capacity Act and if these amount to a Deprivation of a person’s liberty, then consideration of DOLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) authorisation needs to be evidenced next We have ongoing application of local protocols for MCA, DOLS and Best Interest Decisions and we check how these are used 36

Personalisation and self-directed support next 37

We need to ensure person-centred planning is at the heart of all services, when individual strengths, hopes and dreams are recognised to participate successfully in meaningful activities and relationships next 38 We will make sure that every person with autism has person-centred plans, prioritising young people in transition and people with complex needs, and people living at home with elderly carers. This intention includes the need to develop ‘emergency and contingency plans’ when appropriate.

We need to continue to work with children’s services so that person-centred planning starts when the person is a child and is built upon through transition and into adulthood. This intention includes the need to continue to develop protocols, systems or better joined up working between children and adult services to ensure that workers in adults’ teams can access appropriate records from previous assessments next We will ensure implementation of the BANES 'Transition Pathway' applies to young people with Autism. We will develop local strategy for implementing SEN reforms that promote person centred approaches 39

Physical and sensory issues next 40

We need to raise awareness of physical and sensory issues for people with autism through the training highlighted above next We will promote access to training commissioned from BASS 41

Relationships next 42

We need to work with people with autism and carers to explore ideas to overcome barriers and address ways to promote and support relationships. Discussions could be focused on support to build social skills; develop practical strategies and understanding; or tools to enable and give people the opportunity to meet and form relationships with others next The B&NES Autism Partnership Group will consult with people with autism during 2013/14 to hear people’s thoughts and ideas about how to reduce social isolation. 43

Support for carers next 44

We need to ensure carers are aware of their entitlement to have a carer’s assessment of their needs next This is ongoing through Council's assessment and review processes. We will collect information before the end of the year so that we know how many carers who support someone with autism have had a carer’s assessment 45

We need to ensure carers have easy access to information and advice next We will commission Autism Information and Advice service from BASS. We will establish information and advice resource on Council webpage 46

We need to develop ways of seeking feedback from carers, including information collected from the Social Care Survey next We will review and discuss this within the BANES Autism Partnership Group 47

Transitions next 48

We need to map all young people with SEN and autism and identify those at risk of not meeting eligibility criteria within adult social care next We will record via SEN statement of need 49

We need to develop protocols to ensure that young people with autism can be appropriately signposted to other sources of support as an adult, if they will not be eligible for social services next We will be developing local protocols for all young people who will not be eligible for social services as an adult during 2013/14 50

We need to ensure people with any autism spectrum condition are included in the multi- agency protocol that supports the transition process for young people.. This will ensure better person-centred support planning for young people with autism and their families, while enabling the council to develop a commissioning and financial impact plan next This is ongoing - Bath and North East Somerset is implementing a revised Transitions Pathway for young people, emphasising person centred approaches 51

We need to actively encourage and promote young people with autism in mainstream schools to create person- centred plans, identifying future needs in all areas including employment, education, social care, health and housing next This is ongoing - Bath and North East Somerset is implementing a revised Transitions Pathway for young people, emphasising person centred approaches 52

The End 53